Saturday 23 May 2009

Would Mary be Holier if she was not a virgin?

Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus was born. She remained a virgin thereafter.

In other words there was no man-woman relationship between Mary and Joseph.

But how come some people told Jesus that your Mother and brothers were looking for you while he was on one of his teaching sprees. To resolve this apparent inconsistency Catholics were taught that they were actually Jesus cousins. If they were actually cousins why not simply say, “your mother and your cousins are looking for you.”

Among the four gospels, it was St. Luke who narrated the birth of Jesus and Mary’s virginity. Whilst he did so, nothing said about Mary's virginity. Why? Mary was not a kiss and tell type I think. Such is something sacred, personal and intimate and it's none of St. Luke's business.
But did Mary have other children apart from Jesus? Well if she did have, then what’s wrong with it? Isn’t she the Mother of the Catholic Church and therefore the role model for all mothers? Isn’t it more fitting that the role model is actually a true wife and true mother? If she remained a virgin even after the birth of Jesus then her marriage to Joseph was invalid on the ground of unconsummated marriage.

Is being a virgin more holy than being not or it’s the other way around? Don’t you thing that Mary will be more holy and will be a holier role model as mother and wife if she actually have real biological children of herself?

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