Monday 2 July 2007

Understanding the open church movement in relation to traditional churches

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A true (Catholic) Church is in the world, for the world, with the world and if necessary, against the world.

During the olden times the Catholic Church is a church which seemed to detach itself from the rest of the (non-catholic) world. After Vatican 2 the catholic church is fully grounded in the world. It co-exists with everyone else, non-catholic, non-practicing catholic and non-believers alike.

The catholic church is for the world. The catholic church lives as a living sign and symbol of God's love for the whole world, ie a sacrament of God's love both within and without the church.
The church is with the world. The catholic church lives with the world. It shares the world's joy and pain. It rejoices with the humankind achievements and weeps with anyone in times of crisis and tragedies.

With respect to moral issues the catholic church may go against the world if needed. The catholic church does and will not promote anything against human right and human life.
Though the catholic church now adopts a more open attitude to the world, some Catholics still live in the past and some non-believers, non-catholic or non-practicing catholics think that catholic church is still the same as before. While essentially the Church does not change yet in practical sense the church is constantly changing in order that it could always be the Sacrament of God's love to humanity.

1 comment:

  1. You speak about 'catholic' but what you really mean is Roman Catholic. Roman Catholicism and the word catholic, which mean universal, are not the same and are poles apart. The Roman Catholic church is a member of the hate group of churches.
