Thursday 19 July 2007

Is God an invention of man's mind or true being?

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Nothing comes into the mind without passing through the senses. Man believes in God because man feels God. He does not feel it with his 5 senses but he simply feels.

Man feels God when he is happy, Man feels God when he is sad. Man feels God in simple things that happen in his life.

Sometimes man denies God. He denies Him because in the very first place he feels Him. In other words, why bother denying God if man did not feel Him in the very first place.

Before the age of scientific advancement, anywhere you go, any nations or group of people anywhere, one thing in common among them is that they worship a certain supreme being. Why was it so, it is because they feel God.

Or simply, the Holy Spirit dwells and communicate to each one of us. Our mind did not invent God. We feel Him because He exists.
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