Saturday 21 July 2007

Life Is Feeling Good

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Life is simply feeling good. When your are happy you feel good. If you did something nice, it made you happy and then you felt good. When you are in love, you become happy and then you feel good.

Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel good you find some meaning in life. In other words those things that you do and make you happy give you a sense of purpose.

Life is definitely not about feeling bad. When you are sad you feel very bad. When you did something bad, it made you sad and you feel bad. When you hated someone you become sad and then you feel bad.

Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel bad you found life meaningless sometimes you even want to die. In other words those things that you do and made you sad give you some sense of disorientation, no direction, no purpose.

The glory of God is man fully alive.

On the second thought feeling good is only a tool that we can use to gauge whether we are living with a purpose and not the purpose of life itself. Furthermore things that make us feel good varies for each one and also those things that made you feel good may not make you feel good later.

To conclude, we could only say that we are living with a sense of purpose but we could not really tell if what is the real purpose of life in the strictest sense. But at least when you feel good you know that you are in right direction.

There is just nothing that one can think of that could make life meaningful in this earthly life that would not be possible to do in the next life. In other words why could we not simply bypass the earthly life and live directly in heaven?

Just some things to remember:
1. Smile
2. love your enemies. This Jesus teaching is actually for your own good and not for your enemies, i.e. for health reason.
3. Consider it a mortal sin to make others feel bad.
4. Be generous in giving compliments.
5. Express in in a non-destructive way.
6. Cry when you feel like to, it will make you feel good.
7. Don't worry too much, its very unhealty.
8. Tidy up, put things in proper order.
9. Don't leave for tomorrow things that you can do today.
10. Above all hope in God. Pray always.

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1 comment:

  1. The purpose of life is rather to feel good in the next life! We are to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him forever in the next. Sometimes our happiness in this life can jeopardise our happiness in the next. Feelings are not a reliable gauge of whether we're in God's favour. And what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet suffer the loss of his soul?
