Friday 17 August 2007

Explaining the existence of God with the absence of physical evidence

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God is a being outside the realm of space and time; hence it is pointless to prove God's existence by means of any physical evidence. Furthermore physical evidence is only a tool for proving something but the conviction whether it has indeed proven something lies on the individual Testimony of Consciousness.

Physical Evidence is Not Enough

As an illustration, take for example some tricks done by highly skilled magicians. As far as physical evidence is concern, they could prove that they can do something, which is contrary to some law of nature, for example defying gravity by making someone float in the air. However, no matter how convincing the physical evidences are, still there is something deep within you, which says, "I don't believe it." This something deep within us is the testimony of our consciousness. In similar manner, despite we do not have any physical evidence of God's existence; there is always this something deep within us that says God exists. We could not prove it physically but we are quite certain, we can feel it, based on our collective life experience that God exist.

Testimony of Our Consciousness

Co-incidences. We have lots of experiences in life where things just turned out good unexpectedly, just on the right time and place and when everything seemed to be lost. They are not really co-incidences, they are proof there is God.

I am healed. People experience miraculous healing, either in big or small scale. This unexplainable cure when experienced together with feeling of inner peace and joy is an experience of God.

My conscience. In every decision that you make specially when there are some elements of malicious intent involve, you can hear from deep within telling you not to do it. It is popularly known as conscience but actually it is God.

There is no God. When a person is adamantly denying the existence of God and he just could not help not to do so - it is because the testimony of his consciousness is telling him otherwise. Why is he so paranoid in proving that God does not exist rather than proving than proving that there is no life in other planets or anything worth proving? Why the existence of God. It is because he can feel it and he is still in the denial stage. Time will come when he would concede.

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