Wednesday 9 June 2010

Your Christian Blood

If emotions have significant effect on blood component then every time you change your mood, your blood composition also changes.

In this sense, your blood is exclusively yours. It is almost equal to your finger print.

What happen then when you donate blood. Would it be tantamount to giving not only your blood to the recipient but also a part of your personality?

No wonder, the Jehovah's witnesses don't approve receiving blood from others even to the extent of loosing one's life.



    This prayer is from Jesus that we may here from Him, that He may meet our needs. It only consist of three simple steps.

    1) We need to read one scripture. This will focus us in the word that brings everlasting life.

    2) Since this prayer is from Jesus we need to direct our prayer to Him personally. Too often Christian focus they're prayer's to G_D the father. Scripture proclaims that Jesus should be the focus of our prayer.

    3) The simplest part of this Prayer is to ask Jesus one question. Please, all that is required for this question is to make it simple. Let Jesus Himself finish the question when He gives you that understanding through prayer.

    The PRAYER

    The scripture that is the focus of this prayer is "ACTS 2:38". It's not necessary to do any study into this scripture. Jesus Himself will bestow the understanding that will resonate in your heart.

    The most important part of this prayer is that we need to direct our prayer directly to Jesus. If you normally would say Father in your prayer, change your focus from the Father to Christ Jesus by lifting Jesus name up every time you would normally use Father in your prayer.

    Maybe the hardest part of this prayer is the question that we need to ask Jesus. For man as we are, always try to understand the question and may add many additional quires. The simplest question is all that is required.

    Simply ask Jesus 'WHY'

  2. Surely anyone with at least half of a brain realises that their personality is not contained within their blood?

  3. Jesus was selfless, he gave him self for others. If Jesus died for me I think he would have given me blood if required. To the person who posted that earlier blog, your argument has no biblical foundation. Even the apostles promote the use of medicine in the form of wine for Timothy's stomach problem. Also the book of Leviticus is full of medical advice. And as for the JW's they dont even think Jesus is God and belive they are saved by there filthy rags of works, so using them as a part of your reasoning is really flawed. Give me a biblical argument not your abstract reasoning
