Sunday 4 November 2007

My Refelction on Lk 19, 1-10

Sachues wanted to see and know who Jesus is.

There is one hindrance or obstacle in order to realize his wants. He was short in stature.

All of us want to know more about Jesus or about God. Because we are God’s creatures, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and compels or draws us towards God.

There will always be hindrances in this longing to know or to be with God.

We must overcome it whatever it is. Just like Sacchaeus who overcame his shortcoming by climbing into a sycamore tree.

Once we have done it, we have done our part and God will do the rest.

Jesus looked up and saw him and Jesus came to him. And then transformation follows. Things that we normally unable to do, like Sacchaesus who must be a lover of money and therefore would be finding it hart to give away some, suddenly was willing to give ONEHALF of his money to the poor and to pay back (4x) all that he had cheated. For someone in his position, doing such is hardly inconceivable.

There are things which we think we are incapable of doing but we shouldn’t worry because once we have done our part God will do the rest.

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