Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A Christian Blog on Respecting Human Life

Human life is to be respected. No one has the right to take one's life. Any country who allows death penalty does not respect human life and does not respect God.

Members of the Philippine National Police must check themselves if how much they value human lives. When every now and then you heard of a story that a criminal tried to take an officer weapon then had been put down as its consequence, one might wonder, was it really so?

When a criminal had been arrested, wounded in the head, and then later on autopsy revealed that the cause of death was strangulation, one will wonder if what actually had caused his death?

When a brother of a hosted taker who himself is a policeman thought that he was about to be killed by his fellow policemen, then one will wonder, why did he think so?

One a video of a police officer torturing a captured criminal, then one might wonder if how often does this happen?

When arresting the brother and company of Rolando Mendoza, despite that it can triggers the hostage taker ire, was given more priority than negotiating on behalf of the hostages, then one might wonder whether those police officers had any value for the hostages lives?

If PNP would just learn how to respect human life more, then unnecessary death as those of the hostages in the August 23 hostage drama could have been avoided.

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