He summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal (the sick). He said to them, "Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there and leave from there. And as for those who do not welcome you, when you leave that town, shake the dust from your feet in testimony against them." Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere.
This pericope must be read in conjunction with the Foolish Virgins and the king who as about to be attack by another king with bigger army, or the story about building in shallow foundation.
The point being is that Jesus will never teach us to be foolish or to be unprepared, but rather to just live simply and bear with just the essentials.
Perhaps in the hebrew culture, a preacher can lodge into a house for free. If such is acceptable to them then there is no need for walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic.
Note on the last thing, a second tunic. In other words ann apostle has to bring one. This just confgirms that the above point that they must only bring what is necessary.
In our present time, this could mean no to unnecessary electronic gagdets, or too costly clothings and motor vehicles. For they will oly be detrimentals rather than helpful.
Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The Wicked Tenant
In the story, two of the three servants had invested well the treasure entrusted to them by their master while the third one just burried it and gave it back to his master upon his return. For this reason the latter was condemned unmercifully.
What could this servant has done to save himself from such misfortune. Simply, he could have just bought gold bullion and by simply doing nothing, his gold will earn some profit as his master returned.
Indeed investing in real gold is a good way to invest your wealth and money. it is so easy and simple.
So how and where to buy?
United States Gold Bureau is your best bet. You can purchase silver, gold or other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.
Buying gold has been recognized over a period of time as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power.
Gold bullion is a unique investment. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion.
It's bad that the wicked servant never realized this.
What could this servant has done to save himself from such misfortune. Simply, he could have just bought gold bullion and by simply doing nothing, his gold will earn some profit as his master returned.
Indeed investing in real gold is a good way to invest your wealth and money. it is so easy and simple.
So how and where to buy?
United States Gold Bureau is your best bet. You can purchase silver, gold or other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.
Buying gold has been recognized over a period of time as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power.
Gold bullion is a unique investment. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion.
It's bad that the wicked servant never realized this.
Red Sea Parting, Fiction or Historical
Coincidence - God's penname when He want to remain anonimous.
In the Exodus, the red sea could have parted naturally, i.e. caused by strong wind or perhaps a tsuanmi arising from an earthquake and volcanic eruption somewhere nearby.
The story could be coloured with the writers adds-on and yet this can be a real thing.
Here's a link which models how the red sea could have parted naturally:
red sea parting
In the Exodus, the red sea could have parted naturally, i.e. caused by strong wind or perhaps a tsuanmi arising from an earthquake and volcanic eruption somewhere nearby.
The story could be coloured with the writers adds-on and yet this can be a real thing.
Here's a link which models how the red sea could have parted naturally:
red sea parting
Monday, 20 September 2010
Dating: Misery Loves Company

We're in the midst of a raging recession with global reach, the economists are speculating on the possibility of a “double dip” recession. People have lost jobs, homes, cars other property and the like; marriages are strained under the weight of mounting debts and other economic problems.
But there is one "industry' that is defying the economic gloom and doom and according to a report I heard about on Fox News, that would be the online matchmaking services, some of the dating sites are reporting double digit increases in the number of new members, they describe the pace at which people are trying to find a new partner as being at a frenzied pace.
It seems that, despite the sometimes high monthly cost, people want to reach out to one another and be together in other words, they don't want to go through this economic downturn by themselves.
Unfortunately, money of these people (not all) are lonely and not seeking a partner from a Godly standpoint, as in seeking their lifelong soul-mate, partner, fellow worshipper, lover and co- parent of any future children. In fact, I believe many of these people are looking for someone to "hook up with" Some of them will marry after many years of getting to KNOW each other in the biblical sense prior to marriage.
People are social creatures; they need to interact with other people. Despite the economy, people when interviewed, state the need to connect and not face all this uncertainty by themselves; but they also mention the advantage of having an almost unlimited number of potential partners to interact with and weed out the incompatible (the gold digger, the psycho etc )
They have more basic information on the potential mate than they otherwise would meeting someone at work or from a chance encounter at the Laundromat.
One can sympathize as these are lonely people who want companionship, and to share expenses in these difficult times. But it is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person. No matter how bad the economy is, a relationship started out of loneliness, desperation or a desire to share expenses will not last in the long run.
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife (or husband). Proverbs 21 verse 9 (NIV)
E.Umana is an article, author and blog owner, his various articles on marriage and internet marketing are posted and republished in various places all over the internet. His blog is a Christian blog called Christian marriage works at askme7.com. Quick Link: Download His Ebook 12 Marriage Killers, an eBook on how to spot the behaviours that couples engage in, that can create conflict and destroy a marriage.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
A Pilgrim guide to South Australia
Are you thinking of visiting South Australia? If you are, may it be for business or pleasure, or perhaps you are making a pilgrimage to some religious shrines over there, make sure you drop by Centro Kurralta shopping centre once you get there. This shopping mall can save you money, time and unnecessary hassles. Unquestionably, this is your kind of convenience shopping mall.
Located in the south-western region of South Australia in Kurralta Park along Anzac Highway, this shopping centre is just about ten minutes drive away from Adelaide City and Glenelg, two very popular tourist destinations this state.
This mall is just ideal to go to right after a good sight-seeing. Normally, after visiting places of interests, you might need to sit and relax and then go leisure-shopping for some of your basic needs afterwards. At Centro Kurralta you will find a coffee shop, a fast food centres, and a Latin American restaurant. These dining shops are all affordable yet food qualities are okay.
It also houses two of Australia’s more popular discount stores: Coles supermarket and K-mart. Both stores feature weekly catalogue-special offers and clearance sections where products are sold at incredibly very low prices. You will also find a travel agent, a newsagent, a community pharmacy and a car service provider. Everything you need: food, clothing, mobile phones accessories, medicines, plane ticket booking and rebooking, car servicing and the likes. You name it, you got it.
On top of these, you will never have any problem with car parking. You will find a big parking area in front and a much bigger one in its western side. The latter is virtually empty most of the time that it has become a favourite spot for practice driving by student drivers.
Its trading hours is also note-worthy. While regular trading hours in South Australia is between 9 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. at Kurralta Shopping centre Coles and K-mart open at 12 midnight and close at 9 P.M. during weekdays.
So when you happened to be in South Australia you will save yourself money, time and unnecessary hassles when you shop at Centro Kurralta. It is your kind of convenience shopping mall.
Located in the south-western region of South Australia in Kurralta Park along Anzac Highway, this shopping centre is just about ten minutes drive away from Adelaide City and Glenelg, two very popular tourist destinations this state.
This mall is just ideal to go to right after a good sight-seeing. Normally, after visiting places of interests, you might need to sit and relax and then go leisure-shopping for some of your basic needs afterwards. At Centro Kurralta you will find a coffee shop, a fast food centres, and a Latin American restaurant. These dining shops are all affordable yet food qualities are okay.
It also houses two of Australia’s more popular discount stores: Coles supermarket and K-mart. Both stores feature weekly catalogue-special offers and clearance sections where products are sold at incredibly very low prices. You will also find a travel agent, a newsagent, a community pharmacy and a car service provider. Everything you need: food, clothing, mobile phones accessories, medicines, plane ticket booking and rebooking, car servicing and the likes. You name it, you got it.
On top of these, you will never have any problem with car parking. You will find a big parking area in front and a much bigger one in its western side. The latter is virtually empty most of the time that it has become a favourite spot for practice driving by student drivers.
Its trading hours is also note-worthy. While regular trading hours in South Australia is between 9 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. at Kurralta Shopping centre Coles and K-mart open at 12 midnight and close at 9 P.M. during weekdays.
So when you happened to be in South Australia you will save yourself money, time and unnecessary hassles when you shop at Centro Kurralta. It is your kind of convenience shopping mall.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Silver and Gold
. . .Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
Unlike Peter you might not be able to make a lame walk so if you do not have silver and gold why not buy gold coins now. At least if you need one, there is something that you can take out from.
buying gold coins is a good investing alternative. It's value can appreciate at all times.
Saving is good but saving wisely is better.
Gold tends to increase in value over time so if you want to save your money now, why not buy gold coins rather than simply depositing them on your savings accounts.
Investing on gold coins make your investment real and tangible. Unlike in the stock market where your investments are simply in a form of writing, investing in gold coins give you something physical thing that you can touch and keep. The stock market may break down tomorrow, but if you invest in gold coins, you can always have them with you regardsless of what will happen.
Unlike Peter you might not be able to make a lame walk so if you do not have silver and gold why not buy gold coins now. At least if you need one, there is something that you can take out from.
buying gold coins is a good investing alternative. It's value can appreciate at all times.
Saving is good but saving wisely is better.
Gold tends to increase in value over time so if you want to save your money now, why not buy gold coins rather than simply depositing them on your savings accounts.
Investing on gold coins make your investment real and tangible. Unlike in the stock market where your investments are simply in a form of writing, investing in gold coins give you something physical thing that you can touch and keep. The stock market may break down tomorrow, but if you invest in gold coins, you can always have them with you regardsless of what will happen.
A Christian Blog on Spreety TV
Watch TV Shows Online is easy and convenient. Now it is possible that you do not have to have an actual TV set to watch your favourite TV program, as you can watch them online, yes direct from your PC or laptops.
Watch TV Shows Online is now a better option. You can work on you PC and then when you want to have a break, you can just stay put and watc your favourite program right there and then.
Watch TV Shows Online means you can watch it anytime and anywhere. With a laptop with you all the time, you can carry on working as usual and when it's time to watch your favourite TV program just watch it on-line.
Watching TV makes you connected to the whole world. You can know what's happening in the world right at this present moment.
Watching TV makes up to date with the latest news all over the world. It will give you the information that you wanted to know.
Watching TV is good diversion from your day to day job. It relieves you of work related stress and give you mind-fillers to keep your mind healthy.
Watching TV makes you relax and make your life more bearable and meaningful.
But remember too much of everything is bad. Watch moderately.
Watch TV Shows Online is now a better option. You can work on you PC and then when you want to have a break, you can just stay put and watc your favourite program right there and then.
Watch TV Shows Online means you can watch it anytime and anywhere. With a laptop with you all the time, you can carry on working as usual and when it's time to watch your favourite TV program just watch it on-line.
Watching TV makes you connected to the whole world. You can know what's happening in the world right at this present moment.
Watching TV makes up to date with the latest news all over the world. It will give you the information that you wanted to know.
Watching TV is good diversion from your day to day job. It relieves you of work related stress and give you mind-fillers to keep your mind healthy.
Watching TV makes you relax and make your life more bearable and meaningful.
But remember too much of everything is bad. Watch moderately.
A Christian Blog on Respecting Human Life
Human life is to be respected. No one has the right to take one's life. Any country who allows death penalty does not respect human life and does not respect God.
Members of the Philippine National Police must check themselves if how much they value human lives. When every now and then you heard of a story that a criminal tried to take an officer weapon then had been put down as its consequence, one might wonder, was it really so?
When a criminal had been arrested, wounded in the head, and then later on autopsy revealed that the cause of death was strangulation, one will wonder if what actually had caused his death?
When a brother of a hosted taker who himself is a policeman thought that he was about to be killed by his fellow policemen, then one will wonder, why did he think so?
One a video of a police officer torturing a captured criminal, then one might wonder if how often does this happen?
When arresting the brother and company of Rolando Mendoza, despite that it can triggers the hostage taker ire, was given more priority than negotiating on behalf of the hostages, then one might wonder whether those police officers had any value for the hostages lives?
If PNP would just learn how to respect human life more, then unnecessary death as those of the hostages in the August 23 hostage drama could have been avoided.
Members of the Philippine National Police must check themselves if how much they value human lives. When every now and then you heard of a story that a criminal tried to take an officer weapon then had been put down as its consequence, one might wonder, was it really so?
When a criminal had been arrested, wounded in the head, and then later on autopsy revealed that the cause of death was strangulation, one will wonder if what actually had caused his death?
When a brother of a hosted taker who himself is a policeman thought that he was about to be killed by his fellow policemen, then one will wonder, why did he think so?
One a video of a police officer torturing a captured criminal, then one might wonder if how often does this happen?
When arresting the brother and company of Rolando Mendoza, despite that it can triggers the hostage taker ire, was given more priority than negotiating on behalf of the hostages, then one might wonder whether those police officers had any value for the hostages lives?
If PNP would just learn how to respect human life more, then unnecessary death as those of the hostages in the August 23 hostage drama could have been avoided.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Christian Postcards

Christianity is about relationship. It is about loving relationship. The more we love one another the more we are related, the more we mature as true Christians,.
Presence is very important in relationship. It is easier to be related with someone you can see and touch. It is easier to love someone whom you can see face to face.
There are times however when being absent is inevitable. Nonetheless, not being physically present does not mean that presence of a loved one cannot be achieved. On the contrary physical presence may exist and yet real presence does not.
Presence is feeling the other. It is feeling the love that exists between persons. This is the real essence of relationship.
In the Eucharist, we feel God’s presence deep within us. In it we feel God’s love, and in it our relationship with God grows.
Presence can be simply achieved by an act of the mind. Just think of someone you love, living or dead, and you can feel their presence.
Communication in any form enhances presence. It can be oral, written, or just simply mental, then the object of such communication become present.
Sending postcards is another way of achieving presence. The person who receives it will eventually think of you and feel your love – and your presence.
Thanks to postcard services, this is made possible.
Unfair Prayer
A new typhoon was on its way towards the southern region of the Philippines. This makes almost everyone living in this area panic. m Just very recent they were hit by another typhoon which brought them too much damages.
While celebrating mass, a catholic priest encouraged everyone to pray that the typhoon should change its course in go somewhere else.
So when God hears this prayer and answers it accordingly, what then would happen to the region that will be hit by it in place of theirs. Will God spare them and then let someone else suffers?
While celebrating mass, a catholic priest encouraged everyone to pray that the typhoon should change its course in go somewhere else.
So when God hears this prayer and answers it accordingly, what then would happen to the region that will be hit by it in place of theirs. Will God spare them and then let someone else suffers?
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