Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Christian Logo
The Cross
The cross symbolizes our salvation, Christians and non Christian alike. It also symbolizes Jesus sufferings, thus we find deeper meaning on our own personal sufferings.
The Fish
This is the early Christian password. They can easily identify other Christians by discreetly showing a simple drawing of a fish. In Hebrew, the word fish is an acronym of Jesus Son of God Saviour, or Icthys – Iesous Christos Theos Yios Soter.
Gabled House plus Cross on the ridge.
General symbol for a place of worship or a Church building
This is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. It also symbolizes peace.
Symbolizes Jesus being the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.
This symbolizes God’s promise that there will never be flood as the in Noah’s time.
Three intersecting Circles
This symbolizes the Holy Trinity. Three divine Persons in one God.
One or a combination of this plus a symbol that is typical of a particular organizations or Christian groups is ideal as a Christian logo.
A typical Custom Logo Design would be like a group of Christian youth united together for a Christian cause can have a simple logo like stick people joining hands forming a circle and with a cross or fish in the middle.
Mary The Mother of God
Theotokos which is the original term use to designate Mary's motherhood to Jesus simply means that Mary gave birth to the man-God Jesus. It was Mary's womb which opened to give way to the birth of the Messiah.
Communion and Confirmation
Communion and Confirmation find new meaning in Mario Puzo The Last Don.
When their victim's body need to be found, it's confirmation but when the body should completely banish it's communion.
Before operation, the hit man gets instruction from the don whether it is confirmation or communion. It is now down to the hit man to find away either to completely banish or to leave the subject body somewhere convenient.
Mario Puzo is the author of the classic and best selling The Godfather.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Some Christian Popular Christmas Songs
James Lord Pierpont originally composed his song in 1850.. Pierpont wrote the song at the former Simpson Tavern, now 19 High Street in the center of Medford Square. According to the Medford Historical Society, the song was inspired by the town's popular sleigh races during the 1800s.
"Jingle Bells" was originally copyrighted with the name "One Horse Open Sleigh" on September 16, 1857.[2] It was reprinted in 1859 with the revised title of "Jingle Bells, or the One Horse Open Sleigh".
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. The story of Rudolph was Robert L. May in 1939 as an assignment for Montgomery Ward. The retailer had been buying and giving away coloring books for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money. May considered naming the reindeer "Rollo" and "Reginald" before deciding upon using the name "Rudolph".
May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, decided to adapt the story of Rudolph into a song. Marks (1909–1985), was a radio producer and wrote several popular Christmas songs. He was born in a New York City suburb and graduated from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, before traveling to Paris to study music.
It was first sung commercially by crooner Harry Brannon on New York city radio in the latter part of 1948 before Gene Autry recorded it formally in 1949, and has since filtered into the popular consciousness.
"Silent Night" is a popular Christmas carol. The original lyrics of the song Stille Nacht were written in Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr and the melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xaver Gruber. In 1859, John Freeman Young (second Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Florida) published the English translation that is most frequently sung today.[1] The version of the melody that is generally sung today differs slightly (particularly in the final strain) from Gruber's original, which was a sprightly, dance-like tune in 6/8, as opposed to the slow, meditative lullaby version generally sung today.
The carol was first performed in the Nikolaus-Kirche (Church of St. Nicholas) in Oberndorf, Austria on December 24, 1818. Mohr had composed the words two years earlier, in 1816, but on Christmas Eve brought them to Gruber and asked him to compose a melody and guitar accompaniment for the church service.
According to the song's history provided by Austria's Silent Night Society, one supposition is that the church organ was no longer working so that Mohr and Gruber therefore created a song for accompaniment by guitar. Silent Night historian, Renate Ebeling-Winkler Berenguer says that the first mention of a broken organ was in a book published in the U.S.
Some believe that Mohr simply wanted a new Christmas carol that he could play on his guitar. The Silent Night Society says that there are "many romantic stories and legends" that add their own anecdotal details to the known facts.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
When sick - it's the best time to pray
Too Busy Not to Pray, 20th Anniversary Edition- softcover By Bill Hybels |
When sick a Christian must take advantage of this situation to speak to God in prayer.
Man is an animal and being as such he is govern by his animalistic or survival instincts. He craves for food and pleasures and avoids pains. These animalistic instincts are necessary for survival. If we don’t avoid pains and unpleasant experiences and craves for foods and pleasant and pleasurable things, we are doomed to expire soon.
Man’s survival instincts however are at the service of the flesh and not of the spirit. Praying is a spiritual activity. In prayer, our soul communicates with God a spiritual being (i.e. as oppose to a material being.) In normal circumstance putting oneself in the presence of God is not easy because our instincts are on the way. They are just like nuisance to radio signals in telecommunications.
When a person is ill, his craving for food and other pleasures tend to die down. This produces a very good signal between man’s soul and God. It is like having a very good radio signal in telecommunication.
Because of this, we can feel God deeper, we can talk to God clearer and we can commune or feel like being with God better.
The next time that you are ill, take advantage of the situation. Pray hard. It works.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Gold coins - Ideal Christian gift
When giving gift this Christmas, give something that has a sacred symbol hidden it. Your best bet is to buy that special someone some gold coins.
Gold had been known for years as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power. It’s is a unique investment. From the eras of the ancient civilizations up to now, man has had a special fascination with gold.
United States Gold Bureau is the place to be to
buy gold coins for your loved ones.
Friday, 3 December 2010
A Christian Blog on Christian Books
Is the Bible not enough? Why do we need to read Christian books?
Yes the Bible is not enough. The bible was written for a particular people in a particular place at a particular time. We need Christian articles that will make the teachings, concepts, faith experiences in the bible by the early Christians relevant to people of today in their respective circumstances.
Christian books by our present Christian authors will help the Christians and non-Christians of this present age understand God, faith, religion, church, and the like more real, tangible, simple and liveable.
Christians should read more Christian books to live out their faith, i.e. make them true Christians 24/7 and non-Christians should read Christian books to understand more fully the essence of Christianity
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Christian cure- Christ mission
But the best cure is prevention. Don't get sick. Love your body, it's the temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of it, don't 'manslaughter' it. Take good care of it the natural way. Herbal Life prevents you from contracting unnecessary illnesses/
A Christian blog on Christian gift
Gift giving entails symbolism. It is quite unfortunate for people in Christian developing countries when such symbolism is lost to simply opportunity for material gain.
Some poor people in Christian dominated countries when Christmas is viewed as a time for receiving freebies. The meaning of Christian gift giving is no longer the primary purpose of giving Christmas gifts during Christmas.
Because of this many Christians when deciding what gift to buy for their loved ones ask themselves the wrong question. Usually they will think, “Is this Christian gift good enough?” “Is this Christmas gift worth enough?”, “Will this Christmas gift look cheap?” And because they are asking the wrong question, they are not able to give their loved ones meaningful gifts - something that they can cherish and keep meaningfully.
The three wise men who came and venerated the infant Jesus brought their respective gift to the new born king. The gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold symbolizes Jesus kingship and virtues, Frankincense, his priesthood and myrrh his passion and death.
So when choosing to buy a gift on Christmas, make it sure that there is a symbolism that goes with your gift, thus making it a true Christian gift. The question therefore that you must ask yourself in deciding what Christmas gift would be the right one for your loved ones should be: What is the meaning or symbol that I would like to go with my gift? To answer such question one or more other questions regarding the recipient should be asked for. For example, who is this person in my life? What is the thing that this person value most? Or what do I want this person to value in his life? Having answers to such questions make your decision making much easier.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
A Christian Blog on time

For a Christian time is gold. A Christian knows fully well that time cannot come back. Time therefore should be use wisely. This should be remembered by every Christian and even non-Christian for time is indeed gold.
Every Christian must religiously follow a schedule. A daily schedule that is created based on Christian life. Time for Christian prayer must be included in the schedule.
Every Christian must keep a well planned Weekly diary. All important appointment must be noted therein.
Christians must also keep note of their long term goals. They should be recorded on their ling-term diary planner.
To waste time is a sin. Not to do things that you have to do is a classic example of a Christian committing the sin of omission.
Time is indeed precious. Time is gold. We must make use the most of our time as Christians because when our own time runs out we can face our creator with pride and confidence that we had a good run, that we won the race and that we made it through the rain.
A good Christian practice to make use the most of their precious Christian times is to keep a nice looking Christian watch. A howard miller grandfather clock is highly recomended. When you like the clock that you look on to check the time, you can be sure of a good time ahead of your Christian times.
Annulment and Canonization: Political or Spiritual
Canonization and annulment are both costly. Without money they can hardly proceed.
It is a fact that the closer the local church to Vatican, the more saints it has, and the more money a couple has, the more likely that their marriage can be annulled.
Both are not 100 percent foolproof. There could be canonized saints who were not actually saints and annulled marriage which were actually valid.
Therefore both practices are more political rather than spiritual. They only matter on earth but not in heaven.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Buy Gold Coins
The parable of the talent tells us a swtory of one of the servants who simply kept the money without investing it.
While the two other servants have been applauded and rewarded, the wicked servant was severely punished.
The end of the story seemed to give more weight to the importance of punishing the servant hence it gave us a picture of a punitive God, an angry and blood thirsty. This is not however what the story was all about.
The main point of the parable is the importance of growing, of development, or improving. Life is dynamic, we must always move, but not sideward or downward but always forward. Whatever talent God has given you, work hard to improve and develop it and make it your ticket to serving others.
The wicked servant sin wan not of doing something wrong but of not doing anything. One easy thing he could have done is simply invest the money buy buying gold coins. Gold are tangible, it always appreciate in value and therefore a very good form of investment.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Wedding in Cana
. . . When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. [b]
7Jesus said to the servants “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
8Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”
They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.
The wedding in Cana is an interesting story in the bible. The following is not a commentary but just a way of pointing out some peculiarities of this story.
To start with, the story can only be found in John and not in the other gospels, namely the gospel of Matthew, mark, and Luke.
This story is also considered as the first manifestation of the glory of God in Jesus for this is also considered as the first miracle performed by Jesus.
Another point of interest is that Jesus manner when dealing with Mary. Notice how he addressed her. He called her woman rather than mother. He then added why she was asking him to do such of his time has not yet come. What time could be Jesus referring to in this pericope.
And notice Mary’s reaction or non-reaction to Jesus manner of addressing her. So we may ask, is Jesus not being respectful and polite or was suck kind of demeanour is just common during Jesus time? Mary simply told the others to do whatever Jesus say. Here we may also wonder why Mary was taking all these troubles if they were merely some guests in this wedding.
And the main event in this story, the miracle of turning water into wine. While Jesus seem to be objecting to Mary’s request, and yet he proceeded to do the miracles.
Understanding the meaning of a passage in a bible can be aided by paying attention to some elements that appeared to be unusual and then use them as point of departures in the study.
A Christian blog on Jesus meaning to our life
All of the above are true of Jesus but a more significant question needs to be answered. What does Jesus have something to do with me? Indeed Jesus is God, but what difference it makes to each one of us? Will our life now be something else had Jesus did not come to dwell among us?
To answer these questions one must first examine the purpose of the incarnation, that is, God becoming a man like us. Perhaps John 10:10 is our best clue in which Jesus said, I came that you may have life and have it to the full.
How did Jesus manage to do such? First he taught us, second he cured our illness, and third, he drove out evil spirits. Knowledge of the principles of Christian living, being physically well and free from evil spirits will give a life being lived to the full.
But why did Jesus want us to live a life to the full? The answer to this question will bring us to understanding of Jesus mission. As Christians believe that Jesus is the fullness of God’s revelations. With Jesus, God spoke to us by his son whilst before him; God spoke to us by the prophets. By Jesus teaching, his healing ministry and exorcism, Jesus has revealed to us the Father, or how much God the Father loved us. Therefore the mission of Jesus is to show how much God loves us.
We can also notice that Jesus in doing his mission, or in other words in showing us God’s love, particularly by teaching, healing, and driving out demons, Jesus has been loyal to his ministry. He encountered oppositions and rejections which eventually resulted to his scandalous, undignified, brutal and embarrassing death and yet despite his knowledge that such things could happen to him, he never turned back. Despite all the risk, his ministry was business as usual. Hence he ended up in the cross. Actually that was not the end of the story. The culmination of Jesus life story is that he has risen from the dead.
So what is now the meaning of Jesus life to us? Well, by knowing Jesus, we came to know that God loved us and it is God’s desire that each one of us could have life and have it to the fullest. But Jesus, ordinary man as he is, had a life that was only temporal. The man Jesus is no longer with us in the same manner that he had been with the early Christians during his earthly life. Of course He is still present through the Holy Spirit, but not in blood in flesh anymore. It is therefore our responsibility, as Christians, or as ordinary individuals who came to know him, to share this knowledge to others who don’t know yet.
Like Jesus, we must show God’s love to others in our own unique capacity as ordinary individuals. By being a good teacher we share in his teaching ministry, by being an efficient and caring doctor or nurse we share in his healing ministry, by being compassionate counsellors we share in his exorcism ministry.
And in the course of us sharing in Jesus mission, there is always the possibility that others might reject and oppose us, if such things actually happen, we must carry on, and we must be loyal to our mission even if this could lead us to death, for God will never abandon us. Like Jesus we will overcome death.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Christian Websites
St. Paul says those who do not work, should not eat. Well, this does not meant to threaten anyone but only to encourage Christians to be more hard working and do their parts in their respective Christian communities.
The main obligation of a Christian who is engage in entrepreneurs is to be fair at all times. Just earn whatever is reasonable profit and not taking advantage of anyone. Always follow what his conscience direct him and adheres to any trading rules that govern him.
Internet is now the best place to sell anything. Christians like anyone else have Christian needs. Christian needs reading materials,prayer books, ritual paraphernalia, Christian garments and the like.
And who could best serve the material needs of Christians other than Christian traders themselves?
But just a simple words of caution to any Christian who wanted to join the Christian world of businessmen and women, make sure that you are doing things right. Among others, first thing that you must remember, always go for the best company that provide ecommerce web hosting services. How can other Christians find your store if you are not ecommercely visible?
And don’t forget a Christian who does business gives more priority to the service its provide rather than profit.
A Christian Blog on a Christian Church
In a deeper sense, church is a community. It is a group of people who are sharing the same faith and worshipping the same God.
In Christian sense it is a community, sharing the same faith and God and has been instituted by Christ.
Church in the Christian context should be the symbol of Christ. Thus If Christ is the symbol of God to humanity; therefore a Christian church should share in the same symbolism. In the same token, if Christ’s mission is to show the love of God to humanity, then a Christian Church must also share in the same mission.
In order for a Christian Church to be they symbol of Christ and to carry on Christ mission to the world, the following traits should be found in a Christian church: A church is people of God who is in the world, with world, for the world and against the world.
A Christian church must be in the world. Where else? If a church is to be Christ symbol, then she should be a symbol for others. If the church is not in the world, then what is the use of her symbolism? The church should not be serving itself alone but the world.
A Christian church must be with the world. A church must not only in the world but must also be playing an active role in the world. The church must not take its back on the world but rather she must go with the world. The world is constantly changing and growing, therefore the church, whilst preserving her essential elements must also adopt changes so that she can still be a good symbol and can still fulfil her mission to the world.
A church in the world, growing with the world, must also be serving the world. In doing service to others, a church realizes her symbolism and her mission. Christ taught, cured the sick, and exorcised evil spirit when he was still on earth in order to show people how God loves. In the same manner a church must also do concrete actions in order to continue what Christ have started. Such actions may take different forms, but as long as they show how God loves, then such church is indeed a true Christian church.
When the world is being led astray the church must bring her back to the right direction. Therefore, any activity in the world that is sinful and in contradiction to what Christian morality, a Christian church must explicitly denounce such action. Being in the world, with the world and for the world do not mean that a church must blindly goes with the world, but rather she must be actively taking part in leading the world to God.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Why did Judas betray Jesus
There are some negative things said about him, among others are: he was a thief; that it is better for him to be thrown and drown into the sea; and that he was destined to do what he had done, or perhaps there are some more but let us always remember that the evangelists were writing something tailored made for their own intentions and for the different types of audience they were writing for.
Perhaps the best way to deduce what was Judas real intention is to examine deeper his personality.
First it is a fact that Judas was one of the twelve, meaning he belonged to the innermost circle of Jesus friends and apostles. In other words he passed the uphill requirements on how to become a true follower of Jesus. If you remember in the bible, following Jesus was not easy. You must be ready to go even if you do not know where you are exactly going, you must be ready to go while only equipped with the basic necessities; no extra tunic no extra sandals. You must be ready to go even if your parent is about to be buried. You must be ready to leave everything behind. All of these Judas had passed and very likely with flying colours.
Second, we must also consider the mind-set of the apostles when they decided to follow Jesus in the context of their belief and culture. The Jews then were waiting for a messiah, a liberator who will bring Israel’s freedom and dignity back to them. Therefore, like most of the disciples, Judas was also expecting that Jesus will eventually lead a revolution to expel the Romans out of their country.
Lastly, we now look at Judas action after his betrayal. Judas as we all know threw away the silver coins and committed suicide. Meaning, he was not happy of the outcome of what he did.
Based from the above, we can at least guesstimate Judas real intention. If Judas was a true apostle and if he was not happy in the end when he betrayed Jesus, we can therefore conclude that it was not his intention to harm Jesus. Monetary gain can also be eliminated as he threw all the silver coins away.
Considering now the second point, i.e. his expectation that Jesus will eventually liberate the Jews from the oppression of the Romans, it is very likely that Judas just wanted to create an event that will compel Jesus to make such liberation happen “here and now”. Indeed his betrayal eventually lead to the realization of Jesus mission, meaning Judas actually was successful in making Jesus “act now” with regards to liberation but the problem was Judas was expecting something else, hence he thought his action resulted in to catastrophic and tragic end. Had he waited for a little bit longer, perhaps he had understood how Jesus liberated not only the Jew but the entire world.
Judas action led to crucifixion and crucifixion gave way to resurrection and redemption. Thanks to Judas.
St. Judas Iscariot, pray for us.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Outdoor Chairs
If it takes too much trouble going somewhere, your back garden maybe good enough. Just grab an outdoor chairs
chair position it right in front of say an apple tree or your vegetable garden, ideally in the early morning or dusk, just sit quietly and soon you will find yourself in the presence of the Lord God.
The sound of trees screeching, birds chirping, different insects humming, the cool wind whispers, they are the voices of nature, they are the voices of God.
Peace, quiet, tranquil; these are good ingredients for a prayerful atmosphere. Listen to your inner voice and you will hear God. God is just deep within your heart.
Praying is communion with God, praying is being with God. Of course, you can pray anytime and anywhere you wish to but praying in an ideal atmosphere will set you in a prayerful mood. You can be with a loved one anytime and anywhere but you can enjoy each other’s presence if you are somewhere special. And so with prayer.
Gold Coins

. . . or what woman having ten coins and losing one would not light a lamp and sweep the house, searching carefully until she finds it? And when she does find it, she calls together her friends and neighbors and says to them, 'Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.' In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
There is indeed a very good reason to celebrate in finding a lost gold coin. A gold coin is convertible to cash and to commodities. Saving gold coins is a good investing alternative. Gold values appreciate over time.
True indeed, gold tends to increase as time goes by so if you want to save your money now, why not buy gold coins rather than going for the more conventional bank saving account.
Investing on gold coins make your investment intact and safe. Unlike in the stock market where your investments are simply in forms of writing, investing in gold coins give you something physical thing that you can touch and keep. The stock market may break down anytime, savings account rate is very minimal but if you invest in gold coins, you can ensure of its continuous growth and you can literally have your hand on them whenever you want to.
In Gold we save, in God we trust.
A Christian Blog Commentary on Luke 14:25-33.
Great crowds were traveling with Jesus, and he turned and addressed them, If any one comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion? Otherwise, after laying the foundation and finding himself unable to finish the work the onlookers should laugh at him and say, 'This one began to build but did not have the resources to finish.' Or what king marching into battle would not first sit down and decide whether with ten thousand troops he can successfully oppose another king advancing upon him with twenty thousand troops? But if not, while he is still far away, he will send a delegation to ask for peace terms. In the same way, everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.
1. Did Jesus will really exhort to hate your loved ones? Very unlikely.
2. Carry his own cross – how come cross is mentioned here. This is way back before the crucifixion. Thus cross has no meaning yet in the context of Jesus teaching in the same way that cross is understood after his crucifixion.
3. The introductions, i.e. hating mother, father, brothers and sisters and carrying of the cross don’t have anything in common; there is no sense of being paralleled.
4. Again, the main part of the pericope: the importance of planning and feasibility study has nothing to do with the introductions. It has also no significant connection with the conclusion about renouncing one’s possessions as prerequisite in following Jesus
This is a classic example in which the evangelist had cut and pasted materials from different sources and created one article. Taking a closer look on it is just looking at a floor construction which is made up of different construction materials and added at different time.
The theme however is obvious: How to become a disciple of Christ.
The following are necessary on how to become a true disciple of Christ: Do not be too attached to your family but you do not necessarily hate them; problems and obstacles may be encountered along the way in following Jesus but a true disciple must be tough, enduring and will not give up; following Jesus is not following blindly, being prepared is very important hence planning is necessary; apart from attachment to one’s loved ones, attachment to material things must also be avoided. In other words a disciple must be able to differentiate a need from a want.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Glass Show Case

The Church is in the world, with the world and for the world. The Church is just like a glass show case. She is like a retail display case . This is the concept of second Vatican council about the holy catholic church.
The church is in the world, where could else be. God became man, a true blood in flesh in the world, so that the love of God can be understood by men.
The church is with the world. She grows with the world and she adopts changes in the world. The church therefore must change not in substance but in its outer clothing so that she can always make sense to everyone at all times.
God is for the world. The church is the symbol of God. The church is the symbol of God's love. Through the church the world feels the love of God. The church is at the service of the world. God is for the world.
And last but not the least, the church is against the world. When the world is being led astray, the church should help it go back to its track. When the world is compromising the moral teachings of the church, the church must oppose the world. When the world is going towards evilville, the church should go the opposite way. The church should not tolerate sins, when the world is sinning she must go agianst it. The church must not compromise and condone any wrong doings of the world.
The church is the people of God who shares in the mission of Christ to bring everyone in the church so that the entire world will be the church.
God is Love
Love is God

God is good
Good is God
When I feel good I feel God
God is Peace
Peace is God
When I'm in peace I'm with God
God is here
God is there
I can feel God everywhere
God is Jesus
Jesus is God
Jesus showed us what's true love
God is Love
It's love that makes a community
God is Love
love is God
When I'm in love I'm with God
Monday, 25 October 2010
Gold vs Money

In the bible gold is given more favour against money. Gold is pure while rather money is the root of all evils.
Hence it is more fitting as Christians to save gold rather than save money.
Instead of opening a saving account why not invest yourm oney in gold. It ism ore Christianlike as gold signifies purity, high value whilem oney is more associated with evil things, such as laundering, tax, and the like.
Yes saving gold is a better option.
Saving gold has been known for all ages as one of the best ways to invest one's wealth. Gold bullion is a unique investment. During the era of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had special ''''friendship' with gold.
All the time we are fascinated with the beauty and magic of gold, and with its power to change men’s lives. Today, the beauty of a gold bar lies in its proven ability to an alternative form of investment.
Give it a go, purchase gold at United States Gold Bureau, and you can get your purchase delivered to you at your convenience. Save for the rainy days, save gold, it's water proof.
Christian Blog on a Simple Christian Prayer
(Also to non_Christians who prays like Christians)
Here is a simple Christian prayers that you can try.
Praying is communion with God. It is feeling God's presence. When you pray and you can honestly say that God is with you then you are a true Christians, your prayer is indeed a true Christian prayer.
Simply sit, recline and relax. Concentrate in your breathing. Breath slow but deep. Once you are relaxed, consciously think of all the good tings that have happened recently. Recall all the happy moments that you encountered today. Think and recall as much as you can. Re-live the experience. Re-live the goodness and happiness that went with them.
This is simply affirming God's presence, feeling his love and being one with him. This is prayer.
This is a true Christian prayer. Simple and yet very powerful. The gifts of the Holy Spirit is peace, love and serenity. Pray always. Pray simply. Pray like a true Christian pray.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Christian Furnitures

Rustic wood furniture seems to be 'the ideal choice for a Christians. Rustic wood signifies simplicity and antiquity. Simplicity must be the essence of
Christian life. Antiquity gives us impression that Christianity has been instituted some 2000 years ago. It makes us feel connected to the Christians of the past.
Chapel with rustic wood altar makes us feel tranquil and serene.
Pews and tables made of rustic woods make you feel at peace with God. It reminds you of the holiness of the first Christians.
Rustic wood in our places of worship reminds us of Jesus rugged cross.
When surrounded with rustic wood furniture we become more in a prayerful mood. Communion with God becomes more real. Gods presence is easily felt.
Christian furniture helps us to live more like a true Christian. But the essence of being a Christian lies in our heart. When we know how to love unconditionally, we are indeed true Christians.
Even if you are not baptized Christians, you are a Christian by heart if you know how to love. Even if you are not baptised Christians you can enhance your home with rustic wood Christian like furniture.
Jesus curing - take two
The above story of Jesus curing a blind man is noteworthy as this is the only curing event in which Jesus has to do it again.
When Jesus cured anyone he made it a point to take responsibility of his action. He will not leave you nwith an unfinished business. In most cases first time will be successful but in the event that it is not he will make sure to correct it.
Likewise if you had your hip replaced sometime ago, you should be experiencing a change for the better and not for the worse.
If you are experiencing pain or any inconvenience with your operated hip, then something could have gone wrong when the operation was done. In which case something needs to be corrected. Don't worry you could be entitled for a free re-do of your hip. You could be entitle for a DePuy Hip Replacement lawsuit .
Why not let O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath expertise and experience and their highly trained staff, help you handle this complex products liability claims.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
The Creation Blueprint
Did God produce many architectural, civil and structural drawings before he created the material world?
Maybe no, but God's model of creation is so simple. Just compare the composition and structure of the universe, atoms, and cells in our bodies. Can you see similarities?
You will notice that our solar system, an element atomic structures and the cell of our bodies have one thing in common: a core and some minor units revolving around it. This is the model of God's creation. It's so simple, it can be created with just single big bang and it continually creating itself.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Catholic Truth Society
With its mission to communicate the truths of the Catholic faith, CTS is one of the oldest and most inspiring Catholic organisations existing today.
The CTS publishes books and resources that Catholics need to help them gain a deeper understanding of their faith and to share it with others.
They respond to the challenges facing believers and non-believers today with materials that are attractive, truthful, engaging and affordable.
click here for some of their freebies
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
A commentary on Lk 9:1-6.
This pericope must be read in conjunction with the Foolish Virgins and the king who as about to be attack by another king with bigger army, or the story about building in shallow foundation.
The point being is that Jesus will never teach us to be foolish or to be unprepared, but rather to just live simply and bear with just the essentials.
Perhaps in the hebrew culture, a preacher can lodge into a house for free. If such is acceptable to them then there is no need for walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic.
Note on the last thing, a second tunic. In other words ann apostle has to bring one. This just confgirms that the above point that they must only bring what is necessary.
In our present time, this could mean no to unnecessary electronic gagdets, or too costly clothings and motor vehicles. For they will oly be detrimentals rather than helpful.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The Wicked Tenant
What could this servant has done to save himself from such misfortune. Simply, he could have just bought gold bullion and by simply doing nothing, his gold will earn some profit as his master returned.
Indeed investing in real gold is a good way to invest your wealth and money. it is so easy and simple.
So how and where to buy?
United States Gold Bureau is your best bet. You can purchase silver, gold or other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.
Buying gold has been recognized over a period of time as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power.
Gold bullion is a unique investment. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion.
It's bad that the wicked servant never realized this.
Red Sea Parting, Fiction or Historical
In the Exodus, the red sea could have parted naturally, i.e. caused by strong wind or perhaps a tsuanmi arising from an earthquake and volcanic eruption somewhere nearby.
The story could be coloured with the writers adds-on and yet this can be a real thing.
Here's a link which models how the red sea could have parted naturally:
red sea parting
Monday, 20 September 2010
Dating: Misery Loves Company

We're in the midst of a raging recession with global reach, the economists are speculating on the possibility of a “double dip” recession. People have lost jobs, homes, cars other property and the like; marriages are strained under the weight of mounting debts and other economic problems.
But there is one "industry' that is defying the economic gloom and doom and according to a report I heard about on Fox News, that would be the online matchmaking services, some of the dating sites are reporting double digit increases in the number of new members, they describe the pace at which people are trying to find a new partner as being at a frenzied pace.
It seems that, despite the sometimes high monthly cost, people want to reach out to one another and be together in other words, they don't want to go through this economic downturn by themselves.
Unfortunately, money of these people (not all) are lonely and not seeking a partner from a Godly standpoint, as in seeking their lifelong soul-mate, partner, fellow worshipper, lover and co- parent of any future children. In fact, I believe many of these people are looking for someone to "hook up with" Some of them will marry after many years of getting to KNOW each other in the biblical sense prior to marriage.
People are social creatures; they need to interact with other people. Despite the economy, people when interviewed, state the need to connect and not face all this uncertainty by themselves; but they also mention the advantage of having an almost unlimited number of potential partners to interact with and weed out the incompatible (the gold digger, the psycho etc )
They have more basic information on the potential mate than they otherwise would meeting someone at work or from a chance encounter at the Laundromat.
One can sympathize as these are lonely people who want companionship, and to share expenses in these difficult times. But it is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person. No matter how bad the economy is, a relationship started out of loneliness, desperation or a desire to share expenses will not last in the long run.
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife (or husband). Proverbs 21 verse 9 (NIV)
E.Umana is an article, author and blog owner, his various articles on marriage and internet marketing are posted and republished in various places all over the internet. His blog is a Christian blog called Christian marriage works at Quick Link: Download His Ebook 12 Marriage Killers, an eBook on how to spot the behaviours that couples engage in, that can create conflict and destroy a marriage.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
A Pilgrim guide to South Australia
Located in the south-western region of South Australia in Kurralta Park along Anzac Highway, this shopping centre is just about ten minutes drive away from Adelaide City and Glenelg, two very popular tourist destinations this state.
This mall is just ideal to go to right after a good sight-seeing. Normally, after visiting places of interests, you might need to sit and relax and then go leisure-shopping for some of your basic needs afterwards. At Centro Kurralta you will find a coffee shop, a fast food centres, and a Latin American restaurant. These dining shops are all affordable yet food qualities are okay.
It also houses two of Australia’s more popular discount stores: Coles supermarket and K-mart. Both stores feature weekly catalogue-special offers and clearance sections where products are sold at incredibly very low prices. You will also find a travel agent, a newsagent, a community pharmacy and a car service provider. Everything you need: food, clothing, mobile phones accessories, medicines, plane ticket booking and rebooking, car servicing and the likes. You name it, you got it.
On top of these, you will never have any problem with car parking. You will find a big parking area in front and a much bigger one in its western side. The latter is virtually empty most of the time that it has become a favourite spot for practice driving by student drivers.
Its trading hours is also note-worthy. While regular trading hours in South Australia is between 9 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. at Kurralta Shopping centre Coles and K-mart open at 12 midnight and close at 9 P.M. during weekdays.
So when you happened to be in South Australia you will save yourself money, time and unnecessary hassles when you shop at Centro Kurralta. It is your kind of convenience shopping mall.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Silver and Gold
Unlike Peter you might not be able to make a lame walk so if you do not have silver and gold why not buy gold coins now. At least if you need one, there is something that you can take out from.
buying gold coins is a good investing alternative. It's value can appreciate at all times.
Saving is good but saving wisely is better.
Gold tends to increase in value over time so if you want to save your money now, why not buy gold coins rather than simply depositing them on your savings accounts.
Investing on gold coins make your investment real and tangible. Unlike in the stock market where your investments are simply in a form of writing, investing in gold coins give you something physical thing that you can touch and keep. The stock market may break down tomorrow, but if you invest in gold coins, you can always have them with you regardsless of what will happen.
A Christian Blog on Spreety TV
Watch TV Shows Online is now a better option. You can work on you PC and then when you want to have a break, you can just stay put and watc your favourite program right there and then.
Watch TV Shows Online means you can watch it anytime and anywhere. With a laptop with you all the time, you can carry on working as usual and when it's time to watch your favourite TV program just watch it on-line.
Watching TV makes you connected to the whole world. You can know what's happening in the world right at this present moment.
Watching TV makes up to date with the latest news all over the world. It will give you the information that you wanted to know.
Watching TV is good diversion from your day to day job. It relieves you of work related stress and give you mind-fillers to keep your mind healthy.
Watching TV makes you relax and make your life more bearable and meaningful.
But remember too much of everything is bad. Watch moderately.
A Christian Blog on Respecting Human Life
Members of the Philippine National Police must check themselves if how much they value human lives. When every now and then you heard of a story that a criminal tried to take an officer weapon then had been put down as its consequence, one might wonder, was it really so?
When a criminal had been arrested, wounded in the head, and then later on autopsy revealed that the cause of death was strangulation, one will wonder if what actually had caused his death?
When a brother of a hosted taker who himself is a policeman thought that he was about to be killed by his fellow policemen, then one will wonder, why did he think so?
One a video of a police officer torturing a captured criminal, then one might wonder if how often does this happen?
When arresting the brother and company of Rolando Mendoza, despite that it can triggers the hostage taker ire, was given more priority than negotiating on behalf of the hostages, then one might wonder whether those police officers had any value for the hostages lives?
If PNP would just learn how to respect human life more, then unnecessary death as those of the hostages in the August 23 hostage drama could have been avoided.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Christian Postcards

Christianity is about relationship. It is about loving relationship. The more we love one another the more we are related, the more we mature as true Christians,.
Presence is very important in relationship. It is easier to be related with someone you can see and touch. It is easier to love someone whom you can see face to face.
There are times however when being absent is inevitable. Nonetheless, not being physically present does not mean that presence of a loved one cannot be achieved. On the contrary physical presence may exist and yet real presence does not.
Presence is feeling the other. It is feeling the love that exists between persons. This is the real essence of relationship.
In the Eucharist, we feel God’s presence deep within us. In it we feel God’s love, and in it our relationship with God grows.
Presence can be simply achieved by an act of the mind. Just think of someone you love, living or dead, and you can feel their presence.
Communication in any form enhances presence. It can be oral, written, or just simply mental, then the object of such communication become present.
Sending postcards is another way of achieving presence. The person who receives it will eventually think of you and feel your love – and your presence.
Thanks to postcard services, this is made possible.
Unfair Prayer
While celebrating mass, a catholic priest encouraged everyone to pray that the typhoon should change its course in go somewhere else.
So when God hears this prayer and answers it accordingly, what then would happen to the region that will be hit by it in place of theirs. Will God spare them and then let someone else suffers?
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
A Christian Blog on Bible Injustice
The argument: "Is it written in the bible" should never be use at all. Jacob and his mother had cheated Essau of his birthright and yet Jacob is still believed to be one of Christian patriarchs. He also fathered children from several women, which is a bit unChristianly.
Here is a link that is worth noting. If you care for your faith you must make a strong argument and defence to counter those allegations >>>link
Friday, 20 August 2010
Get up and walk
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Matthew 9:1-8 - ... Jesus re-embarked on the boat, crossed the lake, and came to his own town (of Capernaum). Immediately some people arrived bringing him a paralytic lying flat on his bed. When Jesus saw the faith of those who brought him he said to the paralytic, "Cheer up, my son! Your sins are forgiven."
At once some of the scribes thought to themselves, "This man is blaspheming". But Jesus realised what they were thinking, and said to them, "Why must you have such evil thoughts in your minds? Do you think it is easier to say to this man, 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Get up and walk'? But to make it quite plain that the Son of Man has full authority on earth to forgive sins" - and here he spoke to the paralytic - "Get up, pick up your bed and go home." And the man sprang to his feet and went home. When the crowds saw what had happened they were filled with awe and praised God for giving such power to men.
NMEDA - our modern day miracle worker.
Jesus showed his love to us by curing peoples’ illness. Every time we show our love to others we partake in his mission.
Sharing in Jesus' mission is what NMEDA is actually doing. NMEDA does not perform miraculous curing but it shares in Jesus' mission by ensuring that disable people are properly looked after for.
Jesus showed God’s love to us by teaching us basic Christian principles, NMEDA educate consumers on buying products from an NMEDA qualified dealer.They promote safe driving and equipment for disabled people. NMEDA through their qualified dealers helps in training caregivers so that our disabled brothers and sisters can enjoy some sense of quality mobility.
NMEDA may not have the curing power of Jesus but it can assure you that when you go to their dealers you are going for the best quality. They are QAP accredited. (QAP or Quality assurance program is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry)
What really matters most is that NMEDA like Jesus can make disable people experience comfort and love. Make them feel that life is still worth living for despite of their circumstances.
Miracles are not rally about performing things beyond human capacity but rather they are about experiencing the true meaning of God’s love.
NMEDA is indeed our modern day miracle worker.
Make a little miracle for your disabled lovedones, visit now.
or simply click here to find the closest qualified dealer to your place.

A Christian Blog on Jesus Mission
In everything he does, we see and feel God's love for us.
How did he do it?
First he cured the sick. Then he drove out demons and evil spirits. And then he taguht us how to live life to the full.
He cures the blinds and the disables.
He applied exorcism.
He taught us to love our enemies. He taught us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. And he taught us to love God.
The mission of Jesus is all about love.
God is Love.
Christian Gold Bullion

A good alternative to saving in banks and stock market trading is purchasing gold or silver and other precious metals in ingot forms or coins.
As their values appreciate then your investments grow. Investing in gold or silver bullion is ideal as you can actually touch and see your investments. It is the olden days means of investing, it is still very much effective and practice by wise and experienced investors.
Have you tried this before? Maybe not ye,. then why not try purchasing gold or silver from the United States Gold Bureau. There you can purchase precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.
Investing is Christian-like. Remember the parable of the tenants? Don’t just give it a try - do it.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Jesus loves boating
A boat from the time of Jesus
was discovered in the Sea of Galilee
it is known as
A must for pilgrims visiting the Holyland
One of Israel's unique unforgettable highlights.
Sail on a wooden replica boat from the time of JESUS.
wooden boats similar to "The Jesus boats" in order to create the emotional atmosphere in which to pray,- meditate and remember how "he" preached on the Sea of Galilee.
Listen to authentic music while sailing.
Learn about the Holyland.
See The original ancient boat!
Experience the peace and tranquility of the Sea of Galilee.
Each pilgrim receives a certificate for participating.
More info about the boats!
See All our boats!
Reserve a place on the Boats for your Group!
The Assumption
In his August 15, 2004, homily given at Lourdes, Pope John Paul II quoted John 14:3 as one of the scriptural bases for understanding the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. In this verse, Jesus tells his disciples at the Last Supper, "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you to myself; that where I am, you may be there also." According to Catholic theology, Mary is the pledge of the fulfillment of Christ's promise.[2]
The feast of the Assumption on August 15 is a public holiday in many countries, including Lebanon, Italy, Malta, Belgium, Portugal, France, Spain, Greece and Chile.[3] In Eastern Orthodox churches following the Julian Calendar, the feast day of Assumption of Mary falls on August 28, and is a public holiday in the Republic of Macedonia.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
A Christian Bedroom Dresser

A Christian bedroom dresser must reflect Christian theme.
It is something that will make one thinks that the person owning such bedroom dresser is a devout Christian.
Its look should be suggestive of Christian’ traits and characters and something that portrays holiness and religiosity.
How can this be achieved? First and foremost, the owner should be indeed a true Christian in faith and spirit.
Christian symbols should be shown somewhere appropriate in the bedroom dresser. Some examples are images of Jesus and or Mary; images of the Saints; Christian symbols, the holy bible, and the like.
Choice of colour is another thing to consider. Too colourful and metallic looking should be avoided. Preferable are antique looking colour, pastel colours and mono colours.
The room atmosphere must also have some Christian looks. There should be some sort of harmony between the dresser and all other things that can be found in a room.
But no matter how Christian looking is your dresser is, if one is not practicing as Christian then everything will just be a show. Everything is just a waste of time and money.
A Christian bedroom dresser that is indeed worth considering are the ones that you can find in this store. Try this link, and let the dressers speak for themselves.
David and Goliath
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
A Christian Blog on USAEyes
• The USAEyes website complies with the Health on the net code standard for trustworthy health information.
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• The USAEyes CORE Patient Survey reports real-world Lasik results as reported by Lasik patients.
• Patients use the USAEyes Ask a Lasik Expert forum to post questions and receive researched answers to their questions both before surgery and after.
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Maybe Lasik is not right for you. At USAEyes, all the vision correction surgery alternatives like PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, RLE, and PIOL are discussed in detail.
• USAEyes evaluates the Lasik results of individual doctors and certifies if they meet their exacting standards.
• A US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes as a reliable source of Lasik information.
• Representatives of USAEyes have testified before the FDA
Bible - Rated PG
Christian Blog Copy

Usually blog readers copy text and images to share with their friends.
But which one are they copying. Is it possible to trace these copy actions and analyse user retention and engagement, generating detailed statistics based on user behaviour.
Blog Copy could be the answer to your questions.
BlogCopy is a tool designed to monitor which texts and images readers copy from your blog. BlogCopy does not, however, copy entire posts or blogs.
Blogcopy can be simply installed on your blog by creating an account on, then get the code snippet and insert it inside the HTML of your website.
After you have created an account on BlogCopy, you can now access your dashboard. You will then find your BlogCopy stats there. They are updated near real-time depending on server load
Monday, 9 August 2010
The Book of Jasher
Ever wonder that some things are missing in the old testament stories. Find the missing link in the book of Jasher.
try this link.
it's very interesting. Is this a case of conspiracy?
Friday, 6 August 2010
Article Alley
A thougt is a mystery. It is something you cannot touch but indeed very real.
Many things around you were simply products of people thoughts.
Every creature is a product of the Creator's thoughts. Everything agrees with the mind of God.
Bible is a book of memory
Memory is basically subjective, hence the bible should not be taken as historicala.
Indeed it contains many historical events but but still the manner in which they were written were coloured with ''accidents'which the authors believed would be helpful in passing on the message to the intended readers.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Finding a moving Company

Remember when King Herod wanted to kill the infant Jesus? It’s a pity they have to move from Bethlehem to Egypt by foot or perhaps using donkey. It must be a long journey.
Perhaps they wanted to carry their household belongings but with the available facilities most likely they carried none.
Many think that just because they are holy family they were spared from typical travelling difficulties. The truth is they were simply humans, ordinary human beings. They got tired, hungry, scared, lonely travelling at a very slow pacing mode.
It’s a shame. If their moving had happened at this present time they could have avail of a top rated moving company, a hustle free journey.
They could have moved with All Star moving company.
This moving company is a top rated company which garnered an A rating with the Better Business Bureau for eleven years.
Featuring full time employees who underwent first class training.
Employees are fully uniformed. They never practice hiring day labourers. Hence you can be sure of that their employees are deligent, professiional and dedicated.
Whoever pack up your home will be the same as those who unload your belongings at your new home. Reputation is what they valued most.
Licensed, Bonded, and insured Irvine movers. They are the top moving company in Orange County rated best by the BBB.
So are you looking for Irvine movers ? Carlsbad movers ? San Diego movers ? Then go for All Star Mover.
All Star Moving Company Irvine, California
3943 Irvine Blvd Suite 23
Irvine CA 92602
(949) 266 - 6683
Monday, 19 July 2010
A Christian blog on The Gospel of St Luke and St Peter
And perhaps anti-mary magdalene.
Friday, 9 July 2010
A Christian Blog on Mary Magdalene
The Adulterous Woman
1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. 3The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, 4they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. 5"Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?" 6They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.
7But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. 10Straightening up, Jesus said to her, "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?" 11She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more."]
While most of us believed it's Mary Magdalen who was the woman in this story but one can note that she was not named at all. She was indeed an adulterous woman but it is not necessarily have to Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene was cure by Jesus with some illness probably mental in nature but one thing for sure, nothing was explicitly said that she was indeed a sinner.
try this link for more >>>
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Why show the priest?
When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And then a leper approached, did him homage, and said, "Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean." He stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, "I will do it. Be made clean." His leprosy was cleansed immediately. Then Jesus said to him, "See that you tell no one, but go show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them."
Why show the priest?
During Jesus time there was no professional doctor yet. If you want a medical certificate, you need to go and show yourself to the priests to give you medical certificate, for example to certify that you are clean and okay to mingle with others.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Christian Bed

Bed is to faith as the Bible is to bed frame.
The Bible and Jesus is the foundation of Christian faith, bed bed frames is the foundation of your bed. If you faith is not well founded you can be led astray someday. If your bed is not founded on a good bed frame, you will end up sleeping under your bed one night.
Good sleep is necessary to a good health. A good health can be a good signs that you are in good faith.
Sleep tight on a good bed on a strong bed frame. Get the best bed frame online. Go to . They offer every size and configuration that you could possible need. On top of that Mention that they offer free shipping and no sales tax.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
A New Beginning
His father Ninoy, came home from excile in 1983 despite the danger of getting killed in doing so. His main reason was, Filipinos are worth dying for. He got what he wanted, he died for the sake of the Filipino people. His action was comparable to Jesus daring move to go to Jerusalem despite the risk of getting murdered.
His mother, the late president Cory Aquino, served the country totally different from the rest in the sense that she nevertook a single cent from the country's wealth.
His parents planted the seeds, now it is beginning to grow, It's a new begining.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Your Christian Blood
In this sense, your blood is exclusively yours. It is almost equal to your finger print.
What happen then when you donate blood. Would it be tantamount to giving not only your blood to the recipient but also a part of your personality?
No wonder, the Jehovah's witnesses don't approve receiving blood from others even to the extent of loosing one's life.
Monday, 7 June 2010
What's in a Blood
How come? What is really in a blood?
Blood is not just a mixture of oxygen and other food nutrients that makes a living thing alive, blood is also composded of other fluids which make us feel good or bad. Or perhaps it's our feelings that produces such in our blood streams. If we are loved for example, there is a chemical in our blood that is released in it which makes us feels good. On the other hand if we are angry we release fluids in our blood stream that is toxic enough to drive us crazy.
A lamb is always relxed, meek and tranquil. This signifies purity of blood.
Why God Allows Sufferings
A loving God who allows this could only mean two things:
a. They are good venues for learning. If you notice, life is about learning. From birth till our last breath, we keep on learning.
b. Sufferings are just nothing. Ever noticed that most survivors after surviving some times of life threatening experience only says, thanks God its over. They may be cursing and blaming God while they are in midst of their sufferings but afterwards, all of them are forgotten. They are just happy to be alive. Mathematically speaking, if you divide suffering by the happiness that you will find when you pass over, it will be like dividing say, 10 by 1 billion, in which the answer is very close to zero or negligible.
We suffer now but we are blessed in the Kingdom of God in heaven.
When he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Learn to speak Spanish
If you want to teach yourself to learn to speak Spanish, make the Bible as your point of reference. Read the Bible in spanish and check it against a Bible in English.
Try it. Read the word of God and at the same time teach yourself habla en Expañol. El es feliz.
Read the Bible in Spanish, try this .
Good luck. Via con Dios.
Christian Freewares
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39) ++ Now you have the opportunity to search the Scriptures electronically! Download FREE English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German and Arabic Bible search, read and study programs for Windows® 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP. Scroll down for other freeware goodies...
click here to visit the website
Friday, 28 May 2010
A Christian Blog on the Human Jesus
Hungry . . . Frustrated . . . Angry
They came to Jerusalem, and on entering the temple area he began to drive out those selling and buying there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. He did not permit anyone to carry anything through the temple area.
more anger. . . hyper ventilating . . . (poor traders)
Then he taught them saying, "Is it not written: 'My house shall be called a house of prayerfor all peoples'? But you have made it a den of thieves." The chief priests and the scribes came to hear of it and were seeking a way to put him to death, yet they feared him because the whole crowd was astonished at his teaching. When evening came, they went out of the city. Early in the morning, as they were walking along, they saw the fig tree withered to its roots. Peter remembered and said to him, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered."
poor fig tree. it done nothing wrong. simply out of season
Jesus said to them in reply, "Have faith in God. Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions." )
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Letter to the Hebrews
A man and his wife were having an argument about who Should brew the coffee each morning.
The wife said, 'You should do it, because you get up first, And then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee.'
The husband said, ' You are in charge of cooking around here and You should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee.'
Wife replies, 'No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible That the man should do the coffee.'
Husband replies, 'I can't believe that, show me.'
So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament And showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says..........'HEBREWS'
Monday, 19 April 2010
Christian Ads
Is it proper for a Christian blogger to generate revenue from his blog. Well ideally a Christian blog should be charitable in nature; hence earning money from blogging may not sound right. But I don’t really think so. While it is virtuous for a Christian blogger to publish his thoughts without expecting something in return, earning something does not render such act as immoral or not proper.
So why don't you give it a try. Genereate revenue for your blog with ads by AffinityClick
It would be more proper to look at the situation in its proper context. For example is the Christian blogger is blogging just for the sake of earning money or his primary intention is to share something worth writing for. And then one can also ask the question whether what do he or she intend to do with the money. If she is doing it for something good then it is good, i.e. earning from blogging is okay. But on the other hand if he intend to use the money for something evil, like financing his vices such as smoking or drinking, then in this respect it could be considered bad.
To sum up, it all depends on the circumstances surrounding the Christian blogger. Money is not evil, using it on evil things is what make it evil.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
The Glorified Body of Jesus
Mary thought he was the gardener. The two disciples waling to Emaus only recognized Jesus when he had left. And then the fishermen realized that it was Him when they caught one hundred and fifty three fish.
Those people had been with Jesus for significantly a long period of time, so how come they were not able to recognize Him right away.
There could be two possible explanations why it is so. First, Jesus could have significantly changed and second, perhaps the authors were trying to tell the reader behind the lines about something, a sort of an apologetics.
Most likely the first one is the right explanation for the disciples not being able to recognize Jesus would be more to discredit the significance of the writing rather than make it more sensible.
So now what could have been the changes. Definitely it should be something better than the earthly body, something more perfect and something that looks like a gardener.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Christian Insurance
Then suddenly your main car is broken and you need to bring it to a garage, the mechanic told you that it may take some time before they can do it. You have toddler children who you bring to primary school in morning and collect there from in the afternoon. And of course you have to report to your job every day. So what now?
Then you remember your old car. Brilliant. Problem solved. But wait a minute. You cannot use that car. It has no insurance therefore it is not safe to use it and more so, it is illegal. Poor you what shall you do now.
Bang! It’s your fairy godmother. She came to bring you some good news. Yes you can use your car and get a short term insurance
. Just a simple as that. 1 to 28 day insurance. No hassles, Enjoy your driving. Life goes on.
Short term insurance is indeed useful. But remember, with Jesus, your insurance is forever.