So where did this Chirstian name John originates? Who is the first Christian named John? How many Christians are named John or how many non-Christians have this name, John?
When Elizabeth conceived St. John, Zecharia became mute because he doubted. He only got his speech back when he confirmed that the new born boy should be named John. Since then, the Christian name John became very popular.
Is the spostle John named after him? It's very unlikely because their difference in age is not realy that much. Perhaps John is already used before but not as popular now.
Some Chrisitans do not know that John the Evangelist is not the same person as St. John the apostle.St John (evangelist) died much earlier.
He was murdered because of one very spectacular dance performance. What a tragic end for St. John. Many others Christians named John also had tragic deaths. Many Johns had been martyred. John indeed is a good name, a good name for Christian. Would you like to name your son, John? Would you like him to follow the foot steps of St. John and the others Christians - St. Johns?
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