Here are some current economic terms which you might like to know if your expenses is greater than your earnings, or when you think that your credit card is as good as cash.
Debt consolidation letting someone organise payment for all your depbts. You pay him and he will take care of paying your individual debts.
Debt relief in the strictest sense, when you actually paid all your debts, ie. you are debt free, otherwise this would mean asking someone to help you devise a scheme to pay for your debts relative to your circumstance or your capacity to pay.
Debt help asking your parents to give you money so that you can pay your debt or going to financial companies who will give you appropriate advice on how you can manage your debt.
Bills IQ the quotient when you divide your earning by your expenses.
Credit card debt the balance in your credit card, you should settle this asap or else this will grow exponentially.
Credit counseling a genuine advice which tells you stop using your credit card.
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