Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
decada noventa
Eraserheads just reminds me of those times, the golden time of my life.
Seminary, philosophy, LST, summer apostolate they mean one thing to me: Life.
When I think about those things it's you that I remember.
watch eraser heads reunion concert videos.
Meal Fellowship

The above is a good food for thought If you want to win someone then you give him something nice to yum.
In the Bible we find several passages in which Jesus invited his would be followers in a meal fellowship. But Jesus did not really do the cooking himself, instead he visited them and ate meals with them.
Meal fellowship would be more colorful with healthy and nice tasting meals. Good recipes are highly recommended.

with Seafood Dirty Rice by Chef John Currence. I voted for this recipe in Great American Seafoodcook off because it did not only taste good but more so it's nutritious and challenging and exciting to prepare.
Go for it and get a chance to win a free trip to New Orleans.
Christian Meals
When we eat together we become more one with another. Jesus invited Zacheus and Matthew to follow him., and his approach was simply, I will dine with you tonight.
The more we eat together the more Christians we become.
Friday, 29 August 2008
The internet can be an occasion of sin or a venue for evangelization. Evangelizers, whether lay or religious should take advantage of the opportunity that internet offers. Now it's too easy to pass on the Good News of salvations.
Just take your PC or laptop and tell Tell the World of His love.
Computers are now common place. Almost every househole has one. Information technology has now come to its best and still improving. Some 20 years ago, PCs and laptops were simply luxuries, now they are almost necessities.
Yes you should own one in case you still haven't got any. If you can affor to buy a brand new one, why not try a second hand first. Computers, because IT is continuously improving, ten to devaluate faster,, i.e. if you buy a model that is about two year behind, you can buy them at very affordable and reasonable prices.
Or if you are lucky you can own one for free. Take advantage of Charter Laptop-a-Day Giveaway and win one of the best laptops with highly commendable features.
Spread the good news through your laptop.
Head in a platter
A true Christian will not be affected by these tragic outcomes. A true Christian knows by heart that behind this earthly humiliations and sufferings is a million times of happiness and glory.
Faith will conquer death.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Never Stop Learning

Education is an on-going process. As long as you live you should not stop learning new things.
Ours is a life journey to God. We can go to Him via different routes. By being a good lover because God is Love, by striving to be strong because God is Powerful and by trying our best to learn what we can because God is all knowing.
Indeed, the more you know the close you are to God. Learning new things will make you feel happy and will make you feel fine. This nice feeling is an experience of God because it's only God who can give us true happiness.
There are so many ways to choose from in finding yourself good education. You can DIY it by reading a lot or do it the proper way, i.e. find yourself a school which is suitable for you.
Since Thursday August 14th the University of Bedfordshire have been recruiting students onto their courses via the Clearing process.
Call University of Bedfordshire - Clearing 2008 0800 013 0925
Be a part of a multi-award winning university in the UK.
what is a sin?
A community of persons. Persons whose relationship makes them one.
A sin therefore is anything that makes us separates or break up.
Try to analyze a simple action. You will always find that the bottom line of which is a broken relationship.
Gossip, extra marital affair, telling a lie, and many more. They one thing in common. They ruin relatioships they make persons break apart.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
One Liner
The good one is when two persons find mutual attraction for each other and through exhange of smiles and few words new friendship begins.
This kind of flirting is a healthy one. Both persons will experience a sense of fullfilment, a taste of happiness which is subtle and yet deep. This experience is an experience of God, a sharing in the life of the Holy Trinity, an relational experience between persons.
Flirting becomes bad when it leads to shallow form of relationship. One or perhaps both parties have hidden agenda apart from becoming a friend of the other.
The difference lies on the motive. The good one aims to offer oneself to the other in a healthy form of relationship while the other simply aims to use the other person.
"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first."
This marks the begining of Jesus and Mary Magadlene friendship. It was actually addressed to the crowd.
Jesus first words to Mary was, "Go and sin no more."
Extreme Style by VO5 would simply suits Mary Magdalene's hair during those times. A real beauty, body and soul.
Victory Hair
Ultimate Flirting Championship
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Spend Less than Your Income
Here are some current economic terms which you might like to know if your expenses is greater than your earnings, or when you think that your credit card is as good as cash.
Debt consolidation letting someone organise payment for all your depbts. You pay him and he will take care of paying your individual debts.
Debt relief in the strictest sense, when you actually paid all your debts, ie. you are debt free, otherwise this would mean asking someone to help you devise a scheme to pay for your debts relative to your circumstance or your capacity to pay.
Debt help asking your parents to give you money so that you can pay your debt or going to financial companies who will give you appropriate advice on how you can manage your debt.
Bills IQ the quotient when you divide your earning by your expenses.
Credit card debt the balance in your credit card, you should settle this asap or else this will grow exponentially.
Credit counseling a genuine advice which tells you stop using your credit card.
Thanks Judas?
If Jesus needed to die on the cross in order to save us, then God's power is limited.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Victory Hair
Victory Hair is one that makes a person very strong. Without it he'll never be a victor but with his victory hair he can never lose. This is Samson's hair, a classic victory hair, it was a secret until he flirted with Dellilah, the Medianite woman who brought her to his downfall.
Flirting can be dangerous indeed but on the other hand it can be fun. Some old fashion folks would think that it is a sin, yes it can be but flirtng per se is not a sin. What is sinful is what happen next after the flirting. But mature Christians never do such things.
It was one sunny day, Jesus and company were hungry. The disciples went away but some food and Jesus was left alone, where Jacob well was. During those times, by the well is where they flirted and Jesus was alone with a woman and worst of all she was a Samaritan. A Jew does not speak with a Samaritan specially those who belong to the circles of the 'honorables and hollies'.
Indeed Jesus flirted with the Samaritan woman but he never sinned.
Ever fancy playing the Ultimate Flirting Championship ???
The Shortcoming of the Council of Trent Teaching on Hell
Such teaching is the common idea of many about hell. This teaching may be effective some hundred of years ago but not anymore today.
The simple reason is that God is love and fear and threats are incompatible with God.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Moment in Time

Of course I am not hoping to be in such situations but once I am in, then I tried to make the most of it. One thing I noticed is that my craving for earthly and materials possessions just banish in the haze.
Anger seems to have no more significance, love for life or will to live becomes intense, and feeling others love and my desire to give love away is almost instantaneous.
If ever there is a feeling that I love to re-live and experience everyday, this is it. (less the big problem would be nice but not necessarily preferred.)
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Spending Wisely
Having a sense of responsibility is something that a Christian must always be. We should take time to reflect our motive in everyhing that we do. Managing one's finances right is one way of showing how true Christian a person is.
Your prayers and other acts of piety will have no meaning if you are spending your money unwisely.
One simple way of managing your finances is by monitoring your expenses. If you are aware if how much you are spending on something then you can have a clear idea if where your money is going. Just last night my wife and I did input all our ins and outs in a spreadsheet based on our monthly bank statement and to our surprise we have been spending twice as much we thought we do.
Having this awareness we studied our spending habit and then we have managed to pinpoit some areas which we can afford to 'cost-cut'.
We are hopeful that next month the situation is going to improve. The key thing is to know the difference between a need and a want.
If by chance you happen to have mismanaged your finances, don't worry it's not yet the end of the world, there ar many options that you can turn to, you might like to try Debt consolidation, a proven way to give you Debt relief or Debt help. There are many finanancial companies who would be hapy to help you Consolidate debt.
The higher your Bills IQ the better Christian you are.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Though shalt not fear hell

God's actions are all motivated by love. Hence the only reason why God created hell is because God is love, i.e. God loves so much thouse souls in hell and through his infinite Goodness and Wisdom God knows best that for some souls, Hell is better than heaven.
People whose good acts are purely motivated by fear of hell are those with very shallow faith. Their motivation is fear not love.
A true Christian is willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. He is willing to live in hell for eternity so that those who are in hell can be admitted to heaven. (But eventually he would soon realis that hell is actually better than heaven for these people.)
God is Love and for this reason he created hell to cater for the needs of those who are goint to hell.
Heaven is for the spiritually mature and anyone who did not reach such level of maturity will never be happy in hell.
If for some reasons you ended up in hell, there's nothing to worry, you are there because relative to your circumstnces hell is better in heaven.
Do good things because of love not because you fear hell.