Left-brain people are more likely to be the winners. They think logically and analyze concepts and relationship very well.
Most artist are creative and likely to be right-brain persons. But still if they would try to they can think in a logical manner as well.
Being logical means one can see the relationships of things and be able to draw a conclusion out of them.
Making a conclusion can be simplified by means of breaking conepts or ideas into sylogisms. For example, All A are B and all B are C, therefore all C are A. Here's another one, All A are B, Some B are C, Therefore Some C are B.
Educated guess is another way of solving a problem. In this case the problem solver does not know the exact answer. However, by simply elimating the obvious, he could reach a conclusion which is correct although he doesn't it per se. Here's a simple example. In a group of 3 persons, one of them is a male, the other two are females, one of the females is a teen ager. Among these three one is a killer but you don't which one. The only thing that you know is that the killer is married to a former beauty queen. Who then is the killer?
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