Monday, 2 July 2007

Priests should be permitted to marry

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The reason why Catholic priests are not allowed to marry is more political rather than fundamental. In other words it is only a law created by man as opposed to natural law.

The vocation to priesthood in general sense is not different to any calling, for example a person who has a calling to be a soldier is not different from a calling to priesthood. Both of them are calling to holiness. Every calling is special in its own respect. A calling to priesthood in not special among others vocations.
It is a common error to believe that priest is different from other vocations in a special sense. If this is true, then it diminishes the fundamental importance of each vocation. In the eyes of God, a cleaner, a carpenter, an engineer or any other field of work is equally important as priesthood.

Before, priests were allowed to marry. The reason why vow of celibacy was imposed sometime in the 12th century is to eliminate problems with respect to pastoral and property management which had become complicated due to priests and bishops family involvement in such affairs. To resolve the problem, celibacy was introduced.

Ideally a celibate pastor can do his ministry more efficiently if he personally chooses to become one. The reason being is quite obvious. If you do not have a family then you can devote more time to ministry. On the other hand if becoming a celibate is more of obedience rather than personal choice then there is always the danger that a priest could fall into grace which is effectively more harmful than helpful. For this reason, I believe that celibacy should be only optional rather than compulsory.
Another common misunderstanding about celibacy is linking it with sexuality, i.e. some believe that priests should not marry so that they should not engage themselves in any form of sexual activity. This absolutely ridiculous. Refraining from sexual activity is just a consequence of celibacy and not the main reason for such. If that is true then it is just teaching that sex is evil, something that is dirty and must be avoided. While it is true that a priest should be sexually pure, nonetheless this should not be limited to priests alone but to all of us. Priest or laity, one must be 'pure.'

If we go to the records, statistics will tell us that many priests and bishops are not really faithful to their vow to celibacy, so what is the point of imposing it when many do not like to follow it. Isn't it just pure hypocrisy when people who are supposed to teach us good moral values could not live out their teachings?


  1. Were priests ever really allowed to marry? Married men were allowed to become priests, but I'm pretty sure priests have never been allowed to marry after having been ordained.

    Also it is not an error to say the priesthood is special. It is a more important job than all the other examples given. None of the others can turn bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. None of the others can absolve sins. None of the others are "alter Christuses". Some saint or other said that, if you were walking along and met a priest and an angel, you should pay reverence to the priest first, because an angel is not an "alter Christus",and cannot confect the Blessed Sacrament or absolve sins.

  2. All vocations that God calls are equally important but not all vocations are the the "same". Jesus said for those who are called to greater things more will be expected. The priesthood is not a career, but is a transformation of the man into the priest who has been called by God. He becomes an Alter Christus.
    As far as marriage, knowing an ex-protestant woman who WAS married to a Luthern pastor, she can tell you that being a priest and getting married just doesn't work. It is too much for the man to be dedicated to caring for all the responsiblities at Church and for his own wife and famlily. Something to consider.
    God bless!
