Many people (in fact most of them are catholic or non-catholic christians) believe in hell because they wanted to see their enemies and the people they despised e.g. world leaders and dirty politicians to rot in hell.
An authentic Christian will always wish for the salvation of all. This has been clearly demosntrated by St. Maria Goritti when on her death bed was asked if what she would like for her murderer and (attempted) rapist, she answered, "I want him to be with me in paradise."
To believe that God punishes the sinners in hell denies the idea tht God is merciful, loving, kind and forgiving.
To believe that people who died in mortal sins go to hell denies the idea that God is just. What would happen then to non-catholics who do not go to confession. How about those who would normally repent but died before they were able to so.
To believe that people in hell suffers physical pain and torment denies the truth that the soul is purely spiritual i.e. physical feeling is not proper to it.
To believe that many people would go to hell because many of US are sinners is an insult to God's creating power. How can an all knowing and all powerful God who created people in His own image and likeness had actuallY created lots of craps.
Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Life Is Feeling Good
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Life is simply feeling good. When your are happy you feel good. If you did something nice, it made you happy and then you felt good. When you are in love, you become happy and then you feel good.
Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel good you find some meaning in life. In other words those things that you do and make you happy give you a sense of purpose.
Life is definitely not about feeling bad. When you are sad you feel very bad. When you did something bad, it made you sad and you feel bad. When you hated someone you become sad and then you feel bad.
Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel bad you found life meaningless sometimes you even want to die. In other words those things that you do and made you sad give you some sense of disorientation, no direction, no purpose.
The glory of God is man fully alive.
On the second thought feeling good is only a tool that we can use to gauge whether we are living with a purpose and not the purpose of life itself. Furthermore things that make us feel good varies for each one and also those things that made you feel good may not make you feel good later.
To conclude, we could only say that we are living with a sense of purpose but we could not really tell if what is the real purpose of life in the strictest sense. But at least when you feel good you know that you are in right direction.
There is just nothing that one can think of that could make life meaningful in this earthly life that would not be possible to do in the next life. In other words why could we not simply bypass the earthly life and live directly in heaven?
Just some things to remember:
1. Smile
2. love your enemies. This Jesus teaching is actually for your own good and not for your enemies, i.e. for health reason.
3. Consider it a mortal sin to make others feel bad.
4. Be generous in giving compliments.
5. Express in in a non-destructive way.
6. Cry when you feel like to, it will make you feel good.
7. Don't worry too much, its very unhealty.
8. Tidy up, put things in proper order.
9. Don't leave for tomorrow things that you can do today.
10. Above all hope in God. Pray always.
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Life is simply feeling good. When your are happy you feel good. If you did something nice, it made you happy and then you felt good. When you are in love, you become happy and then you feel good.
Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel good you find some meaning in life. In other words those things that you do and make you happy give you a sense of purpose.
Life is definitely not about feeling bad. When you are sad you feel very bad. When you did something bad, it made you sad and you feel bad. When you hated someone you become sad and then you feel bad.
Hence the purpose of life is simply feeling good. When you feel bad you found life meaningless sometimes you even want to die. In other words those things that you do and made you sad give you some sense of disorientation, no direction, no purpose.
The glory of God is man fully alive.
On the second thought feeling good is only a tool that we can use to gauge whether we are living with a purpose and not the purpose of life itself. Furthermore things that make us feel good varies for each one and also those things that made you feel good may not make you feel good later.
To conclude, we could only say that we are living with a sense of purpose but we could not really tell if what is the real purpose of life in the strictest sense. But at least when you feel good you know that you are in right direction.
There is just nothing that one can think of that could make life meaningful in this earthly life that would not be possible to do in the next life. In other words why could we not simply bypass the earthly life and live directly in heaven?
Just some things to remember:
1. Smile
2. love your enemies. This Jesus teaching is actually for your own good and not for your enemies, i.e. for health reason.
3. Consider it a mortal sin to make others feel bad.
4. Be generous in giving compliments.
5. Express in in a non-destructive way.
6. Cry when you feel like to, it will make you feel good.
7. Don't worry too much, its very unhealty.
8. Tidy up, put things in proper order.
9. Don't leave for tomorrow things that you can do today.
10. Above all hope in God. Pray always.
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I just wanted to write about my thoughts and share them to the whole world hence I created my blog.
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I never thought I could also earn some money out of it until I read an article in Helium website about payperpost. The article sounds very convincing and so I googled it and visited the site. I clicked the page that lists the available ‘opportunities’ for bloggers and was astonished to find that there were so many of them.
I did register my blog and after a couple of days I got an email telling me that it was approved. I browsed the site to get further information and then when I felt I was ready, I wrote my first payperpost entry.
Unfortunately my first entry was rejected but it was only due to some technical issues. Having corrected and revised my blog entry I got its approval the following day.
It is really very simple and easy. Anyone can do it and joining is free of charge.
Having joined payperpost blogging became more fun and exciting. Furthermore my blog had improved quality-wise. has some sets of standard that bloggers should follow hence once you’re blog is approved and your blog entries are accepted it means that your blog has reached a certain level of standard.
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Thursday, 19 July 2007
Understanding the difference between intelligence and wisdom
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An intelligent man counts. A wise man sings.
An intelligent man is (likely to become) rich. A wise man is contented.
An intelligent man is thinking. A wise man is contemplating.
An intelligent man is analytical. A wise man is spiritual.
An intelligent man wants to answer a question. A wise man wants to understand a question.
An intelligent man solves a problem. A wise man finds meaning in a problem.
Everyone has a chance to be wise but not everyone can be intelligent.
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An intelligent man counts. A wise man sings.
An intelligent man is (likely to become) rich. A wise man is contented.
An intelligent man is thinking. A wise man is contemplating.
An intelligent man is analytical. A wise man is spiritual.
An intelligent man wants to answer a question. A wise man wants to understand a question.
An intelligent man solves a problem. A wise man finds meaning in a problem.
Everyone has a chance to be wise but not everyone can be intelligent.
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Is God an invention of man's mind or true being?
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Nothing comes into the mind without passing through the senses. Man believes in God because man feels God. He does not feel it with his 5 senses but he simply feels.
Man feels God when he is happy, Man feels God when he is sad. Man feels God in simple things that happen in his life.
Sometimes man denies God. He denies Him because in the very first place he feels Him. In other words, why bother denying God if man did not feel Him in the very first place.
Before the age of scientific advancement, anywhere you go, any nations or group of people anywhere, one thing in common among them is that they worship a certain supreme being. Why was it so, it is because they feel God.
Or simply, the Holy Spirit dwells and communicate to each one of us. Our mind did not invent God. We feel Him because He exists.
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Nothing comes into the mind without passing through the senses. Man believes in God because man feels God. He does not feel it with his 5 senses but he simply feels.
Man feels God when he is happy, Man feels God when he is sad. Man feels God in simple things that happen in his life.
Sometimes man denies God. He denies Him because in the very first place he feels Him. In other words, why bother denying God if man did not feel Him in the very first place.
Before the age of scientific advancement, anywhere you go, any nations or group of people anywhere, one thing in common among them is that they worship a certain supreme being. Why was it so, it is because they feel God.
Or simply, the Holy Spirit dwells and communicate to each one of us. Our mind did not invent God. We feel Him because He exists.
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Tuesday, 17 July 2007
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Sunday, 15 July 2007
Holy and Happy
A real holy person is never sad.
A happy but not holy one will (very) soon be sad.
A happy but not holy is just pretending to be happy.
A holy but sad is holy in the making.
An unholy and sad is being called to holiness.
To be holy and unhappy at the same time is a contradiction.
The Glory of God is Man fully Alive (St. Iraneaus)
A happy but not holy one will (very) soon be sad.
A happy but not holy is just pretending to be happy.
A holy but sad is holy in the making.
An unholy and sad is being called to holiness.
To be holy and unhappy at the same time is a contradiction.
The Glory of God is Man fully Alive (St. Iraneaus)
Monday, 2 July 2007
Priests should be permitted to marry
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The reason why Catholic priests are not allowed to marry is more political rather than fundamental. In other words it is only a law created by man as opposed to natural law.
The vocation to priesthood in general sense is not different to any calling, for example a person who has a calling to be a soldier is not different from a calling to priesthood. Both of them are calling to holiness. Every calling is special in its own respect. A calling to priesthood in not special among others vocations.
It is a common error to believe that priest is different from other vocations in a special sense. If this is true, then it diminishes the fundamental importance of each vocation. In the eyes of God, a cleaner, a carpenter, an engineer or any other field of work is equally important as priesthood.
Before, priests were allowed to marry. The reason why vow of celibacy was imposed sometime in the 12th century is to eliminate problems with respect to pastoral and property management which had become complicated due to priests and bishops family involvement in such affairs. To resolve the problem, celibacy was introduced.
Ideally a celibate pastor can do his ministry more efficiently if he personally chooses to become one. The reason being is quite obvious. If you do not have a family then you can devote more time to ministry. On the other hand if becoming a celibate is more of obedience rather than personal choice then there is always the danger that a priest could fall into grace which is effectively more harmful than helpful. For this reason, I believe that celibacy should be only optional rather than compulsory.
Another common misunderstanding about celibacy is linking it with sexuality, i.e. some believe that priests should not marry so that they should not engage themselves in any form of sexual activity. This absolutely ridiculous. Refraining from sexual activity is just a consequence of celibacy and not the main reason for such. If that is true then it is just teaching that sex is evil, something that is dirty and must be avoided. While it is true that a priest should be sexually pure, nonetheless this should not be limited to priests alone but to all of us. Priest or laity, one must be 'pure.'
If we go to the records, statistics will tell us that many priests and bishops are not really faithful to their vow to celibacy, so what is the point of imposing it when many do not like to follow it. Isn't it just pure hypocrisy when people who are supposed to teach us good moral values could not live out their teachings?
The reason why Catholic priests are not allowed to marry is more political rather than fundamental. In other words it is only a law created by man as opposed to natural law.
The vocation to priesthood in general sense is not different to any calling, for example a person who has a calling to be a soldier is not different from a calling to priesthood. Both of them are calling to holiness. Every calling is special in its own respect. A calling to priesthood in not special among others vocations.
It is a common error to believe that priest is different from other vocations in a special sense. If this is true, then it diminishes the fundamental importance of each vocation. In the eyes of God, a cleaner, a carpenter, an engineer or any other field of work is equally important as priesthood.
Before, priests were allowed to marry. The reason why vow of celibacy was imposed sometime in the 12th century is to eliminate problems with respect to pastoral and property management which had become complicated due to priests and bishops family involvement in such affairs. To resolve the problem, celibacy was introduced.
Ideally a celibate pastor can do his ministry more efficiently if he personally chooses to become one. The reason being is quite obvious. If you do not have a family then you can devote more time to ministry. On the other hand if becoming a celibate is more of obedience rather than personal choice then there is always the danger that a priest could fall into grace which is effectively more harmful than helpful. For this reason, I believe that celibacy should be only optional rather than compulsory.
Another common misunderstanding about celibacy is linking it with sexuality, i.e. some believe that priests should not marry so that they should not engage themselves in any form of sexual activity. This absolutely ridiculous. Refraining from sexual activity is just a consequence of celibacy and not the main reason for such. If that is true then it is just teaching that sex is evil, something that is dirty and must be avoided. While it is true that a priest should be sexually pure, nonetheless this should not be limited to priests alone but to all of us. Priest or laity, one must be 'pure.'
If we go to the records, statistics will tell us that many priests and bishops are not really faithful to their vow to celibacy, so what is the point of imposing it when many do not like to follow it. Isn't it just pure hypocrisy when people who are supposed to teach us good moral values could not live out their teachings?
Understanding the open church movement in relation to traditional churches
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A true (Catholic) Church is in the world, for the world, with the world and if necessary, against the world.
During the olden times the Catholic Church is a church which seemed to detach itself from the rest of the (non-catholic) world. After Vatican 2 the catholic church is fully grounded in the world. It co-exists with everyone else, non-catholic, non-practicing catholic and non-believers alike.
The catholic church is for the world. The catholic church lives as a living sign and symbol of God's love for the whole world, ie a sacrament of God's love both within and without the church.
The church is with the world. The catholic church lives with the world. It shares the world's joy and pain. It rejoices with the humankind achievements and weeps with anyone in times of crisis and tragedies.
With respect to moral issues the catholic church may go against the world if needed. The catholic church does and will not promote anything against human right and human life.
Though the catholic church now adopts a more open attitude to the world, some Catholics still live in the past and some non-believers, non-catholic or non-practicing catholics think that catholic church is still the same as before. While essentially the Church does not change yet in practical sense the church is constantly changing in order that it could always be the Sacrament of God's love to humanity.
A true (Catholic) Church is in the world, for the world, with the world and if necessary, against the world.
During the olden times the Catholic Church is a church which seemed to detach itself from the rest of the (non-catholic) world. After Vatican 2 the catholic church is fully grounded in the world. It co-exists with everyone else, non-catholic, non-practicing catholic and non-believers alike.
The catholic church is for the world. The catholic church lives as a living sign and symbol of God's love for the whole world, ie a sacrament of God's love both within and without the church.
The church is with the world. The catholic church lives with the world. It shares the world's joy and pain. It rejoices with the humankind achievements and weeps with anyone in times of crisis and tragedies.
With respect to moral issues the catholic church may go against the world if needed. The catholic church does and will not promote anything against human right and human life.
Though the catholic church now adopts a more open attitude to the world, some Catholics still live in the past and some non-believers, non-catholic or non-practicing catholics think that catholic church is still the same as before. While essentially the Church does not change yet in practical sense the church is constantly changing in order that it could always be the Sacrament of God's love to humanity.
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