Thursday, 15 September 2011

Feet can move mountain

According to the Bible which part of the body is the strongest?

A: Feet


Because they can move mountain.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Loving the Unholy Catholic Church

The holy catholic church is the people of God. And the people of God is a bunch of sinners who are therefore unholy.

The only way forward is to love them, i.e. to love the unholy catholic church. To love and forgive the ministers who sexually abused young children and women, the leaders of countries who corrupted their countrymen, and the like.

\Not loving the unholy catholic church leads to division which is exactly what Satan like to happen.

This is one short coming by NMartin Luther. Had heloved the unmholy catholic church there will no Protestants, we would have been still one by now. and to be one and united is to be with the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Sol Invictus

The Invincible Sun God, Sol Invictus was the official god of the later Roman Empire. When Constantine was converted to Christianity his invincible sun God became Jesus Christ.

Hence, he declared December 25 as the date of Christmas since the feast of Sol Invictus was December 25.

Constantine also made Sunday of the day of sun as the Sabbath day, hence we go to mass on Suncay.

Indeed it is inconceivable for Jesus to be born on winter  otherwise the manger is very unlikely to be the birth place, unless he was actually born in Australia where December happened to be a hot month.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

A Chritian Blog on JP2 statue

Who is Oliverro Rainaldi?

Oliviero Rainaldi was born in Caramanico Terme in 1956, and is now working and residing in Rome. He is an alumnus of Venice Accademia di Belle Arti and the Aquila Accademia di Belle Arti.

At the outset, his work was focused on the human figure, explored through drawings, paintings and sculptures. Through the figure, its gesture and body language, headdresses the fundamental questions of human existence, rooted in religion and philosophy, linked to archaic and medieval art history.
Many renown and extensive solo shows were dedicated to him in Italy, like in venues such as La Fondazione Staurós italiana, San Gabriele, Teramo in 1999 by the Galleria D’Arte Moderna di Bologna in 2003.

Oliviero Rainaldi works are shown permanently in public international institutions, such as Caduti in Collection Des Œuvres d’Art de l’Office des Nations Unies in Genève , Battesimi Umani in the City Hall Palace in Stockolm, where the Nobel Prize is held, and in the Collection of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, La Farnesina.

A major sculpture bronze installation, The Tribute, recently installed at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, Michigan USA, has become the symbolic figure of the entire historical collection of this Museum.

Oliverri Rainaldi is also the sculpture of the most criticised statue of the late blessed Pope John Paul II, to which the Vatican's official newspaper, Osservatore Romano commented: “The face bears only scant resemblance to the pope,” a critic wrote. “We find ourselves in the piazza before a violent gash, like a bomb.”

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Friday, 13 May 2011

Jesus and Judas Conspiracy

We found Jesus in The Last Supper as someone who knew everything. He knew what his disciples were thinking and what would happen in the future and particularly he knew that Judas was about to betray him.

Such kind of knowledge is not proper to an ordinary man thus it rendered the truth of the Incarnation meaningless. God became man in Jesus. He became like us in all respect except sin. He needed to be taught how to walk, how to eat, how to use the toilet, he studied Torah in the synagogue, definitely he would not be able to speak English or Japanese and therefore just like us he would not know what is in someone else mind. He might guess but surely he could be wrong.
The most plausible explanation why Jesus knew that Judas was about to betray him is that Judas told him. And most likely Jesus consented though he might not personally agree.

How can this be?

First thing, we should know what Judas intention was. Just like in solving a crime, knowing the motive of a criminal is fundamental.

To know Judas motive, we must look it in proper perspective. The following must be considered:

• The Jews – and this includes Judas and the rest of the disciples - were waiting for a Messiah.
• Judas and the rest of the disciples knew that Jesus was the most awaited Messiah.
• Following Jesus was a serious business. Sincerity and purity were essentials. And Judas made it.
• Judas might not only have been pure and sincere but he could be one of the best. He was appointed treasurer therefore he was very trustworthy and intelligent.
• Judas throwing the silver coins in the Temple implies that he was not after the money.
• Judas committing suicide implies that he was not happy of what had happened to Jesus.

From the above we can deduce Judas motive by eliminating those that are obvious: First Judas was not the lunatic type who betrayed Jesus without any reason at all and then later on killed himself out of remorse or grief of what he had done. Second as one of Jesus disciples and a trustworthy and intelligent one he could not be mentally or psychologically unstable to do such nonsense; and third Judas throwing the money in the temple implies that he was not greedy or interested in any material gain when he betrayed Jesus. Therefore Judas motive for betraying Jesus was surely something else and most probably it had something to do with Jesus as being the Messiah.

Perhaps one day Judas was talking to Jesus:

Judas: We knew you are the Messiah, but when are you going to drive the Romans out of Israel?

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Thursday, 14 April 2011

What God Wants from me

What is the meaning of life?

Why was I born?

Is suicide an option?

Read this simple and affordable books for anwers to your questions?

258154: What Does God Want from Me? Understanding God"s  Desire for Your LifeWhat Does God Want from Me? Understanding God's Desire for Your Life

By Mark Matlock / Zondervan Youth Specialties

Many people think being a Christian means doing the right thing. But what exactly is the "right thing"? We've probably all wondered things like:
  • Does what I wear to church on Sunday matter to God?
  • Will God be upset if I don't read the Bile every day?
  • Is being a missionary or pastor a higher calling then being a plumber or a doctor?
  • Do I have to tell everyone I meet about Jesus?
  • What is okay for Christians to do?
  • Will God disown me if I do something I'm not supposed to do?
The question we should ask is, "Who came up with this list of things that God supposedly wants from us?" The reality is that the Bible tells us what God wants from us. In this book, Mark Matlock will lead you through the important messages God has given us in his Word--messages that reveal what God actually wants from us so we don't have to wonder anymore.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Joseph The Carpenter

Who is sainth Joseph?

He can Install hardwood floor. He can make a good cabinet. He can do heaps of wood works. He is a carpenter.

He is also a good model of faith. He obeyed God's command without any objection. He simply did as told.

He was a man who respect human dignity. He did not questions Mary's purity and intention to marry him. When he learned that she had a child, he planned to divorce her without putting her to shame.

He was a good father to the man God Jesus. He was privileged to train the man Jesus from a young boy growing up into an adult. He could have taught hi8m how to use a hammer, paint a woodwork, or how to grow up as a man how knows how to face the challenges of the world.

He was a good husband. A good protector of his family. Without any complaints he brought his family to Egypt to protect from Herod's threat. He helped Mary deliver Jesus safely despite the hazardous situation they found themselves in.

He is indeed a saint. a silent saint, a silent worker, a man of faith and a God.

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Saturday, 2 April 2011

The daily Gospel in your email

Make the daily gospel a part of your everyday life.

Ideally reading from the bible is preferable but if you are like anyone else, busy all the time, then you can simply try reading them direct from your email.

Just subscribe from You may forget about it but once you open your email you will always be reminded to read the daily gospel. Subscribe now, click here

Sunday, 20 March 2011

A Christian Blog guide for Meditation

Hewre is a guide question when meditating on the Word of God:

What does the text tell me:

  • about the God who speaks to me?
  • about how I should respond to that God?
  • about my faith life?
  • about what I need to do to transform my faith life?

Source: Lectio Divina, Praying the Scriptures in Lend and Holy Week 2011. by Bishop David Walker DD.

Will you be doing the Reflection this Lenten season?

Log on to .

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A Christian Joke on Dinosaurs

A non-Christian was chatting with a devout Christian one day.

Non-Christian: So just what happened to the dinosaurs?

Devout Christian: They didn't fit in Noah's ark.

13406: Dinosaurs of Eden: A Biblical Journey Through TimeDinosaurs of Eden: A Biblical Journey Through Time

By Ken Ham / New Leaf Publishing Group

Who were the dinosaurs? Are they mentioned in the Bible? How long ago did they live? What did they eat? Did they ever share the earth with mankind . . . and are any of these "terrible lizards" still living today? Ken Ham provides teen-friendly answers to these and other questions in his fascinating, lavishly illustrated resource. 64 pages, hardcover from New Leaf.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

What is a Christian Sin

Sin seems to be too easy to comprehend but in complicated circumstances one will find it hard to know whether an act is sinful.

The magic word in understanding sin is RELATIONSHIP. In fact the word sin in it.

Here is a typical example. A young couple got married because of the pressure from their families for the woman has gotten pregnant. Both of them were not yet ready emotionally and financially but to protect the dignity of the woman's family the couple was forced to enter into marriage.

As expected, their marriage failed and eventually they separated. Having a life of their own now, and has grown more maturely they found new loves and are now emotionally ready to take the responsibility of husband and wife and as parents. But since their previous marriage was valid then civil and canon law wise, they are not eligible to marry. Result, both were living with their respective partners without the blessing of the sacrament of matrimony.

Question, are their acts sinful or not?

Conventionally it sinful but for the persons involved, they can rationalize that they are not doing anything evil. All they knew is that they truly love and that loving is itself good. Had it not been to their families pressure, then perhaps they did not marry in the first place.

To resolve the issue, the question that needed to be asked is: Is the act breaking relationship or not. if it does, then it is sin if not then it is not sin.

If you read closely, the ten commandments are all about relationship. Relationship to God, parents and neighbours.