Any Christian logo should depict one or more conventional Christian symbols. The following are among some of the more popular Christian symbols.
The Cross
The cross symbolizes our salvation, Christians and non Christian alike. It also symbolizes Jesus sufferings, thus we find deeper meaning on our own personal sufferings.
The Fish
This is the early Christian password. They can easily identify other Christians by discreetly showing a simple drawing of a fish. In Hebrew, the word fish is an acronym of Jesus Son of God Saviour, or Icthys – Iesous Christos Theos Yios Soter.
Gabled House plus Cross on the ridge.
General symbol for a place of worship or a Church building
This is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. It also symbolizes peace.
Symbolizes Jesus being the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.
This symbolizes God’s promise that there will never be flood as the in Noah’s time.
Three intersecting Circles
This symbolizes the Holy Trinity. Three divine Persons in one God.
One or a combination of this plus a symbol that is typical of a particular organizations or Christian groups is ideal as a Christian logo.
A typical Custom Logo Design would be like a group of Christian youth united together for a Christian cause can have a simple logo like stick people joining hands forming a circle and with a cross or fish in the middle.
Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Mary The Mother of God
Mary the mother of God, to some, almost sounds blasphemous. How can God have a mother?
Theotokos which is the original term use to designate Mary's motherhood to Jesus simply means that Mary gave birth to the man-God Jesus. It was Mary's womb which opened to give way to the birth of the Messiah.
Theotokos which is the original term use to designate Mary's motherhood to Jesus simply means that Mary gave birth to the man-God Jesus. It was Mary's womb which opened to give way to the birth of the Messiah.
Communion and Confirmation
Communion and Confirmation find new meaning in Mario Puzo The Last Don.
When their victim's body need to be found, it's confirmation but when the body should completely banish it's communion.
Before operation, the hit man gets instruction from the don whether it is confirmation or communion. It is now down to the hit man to find away either to completely banish or to leave the subject body somewhere convenient.
Mario Puzo is the author of the classic and best selling The Godfather.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Some Christian Popular Christmas Songs
"Jingle Bells" is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and published under the title "One Horse Open Sleigh" in the autumn of 1857. Even though it is commonly referred to as a Christmas song, it was actually written and sung for Thanksgiving.
James Lord Pierpont originally composed his song in 1850.. Pierpont wrote the song at the former Simpson Tavern, now 19 High Street in the center of Medford Square. According to the Medford Historical Society, the song was inspired by the town's popular sleigh races during the 1800s.
"Jingle Bells" was originally copyrighted with the name "One Horse Open Sleigh" on September 16, 1857.[2] It was reprinted in 1859 with the revised title of "Jingle Bells, or the One Horse Open Sleigh".
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. The story of Rudolph was Robert L. May in 1939 as an assignment for Montgomery Ward. The retailer had been buying and giving away coloring books for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money. May considered naming the reindeer "Rollo" and "Reginald" before deciding upon using the name "Rudolph".
May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, decided to adapt the story of Rudolph into a song. Marks (1909–1985), was a radio producer and wrote several popular Christmas songs. He was born in a New York City suburb and graduated from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, before traveling to Paris to study music.
It was first sung commercially by crooner Harry Brannon on New York city radio in the latter part of 1948 before Gene Autry recorded it formally in 1949, and has since filtered into the popular consciousness.
"Silent Night" is a popular Christmas carol. The original lyrics of the song Stille Nacht were written in Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr and the melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xaver Gruber. In 1859, John Freeman Young (second Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Florida) published the English translation that is most frequently sung today.[1] The version of the melody that is generally sung today differs slightly (particularly in the final strain) from Gruber's original, which was a sprightly, dance-like tune in 6/8, as opposed to the slow, meditative lullaby version generally sung today.
The carol was first performed in the Nikolaus-Kirche (Church of St. Nicholas) in Oberndorf, Austria on December 24, 1818. Mohr had composed the words two years earlier, in 1816, but on Christmas Eve brought them to Gruber and asked him to compose a melody and guitar accompaniment for the church service.
According to the song's history provided by Austria's Silent Night Society, one supposition is that the church organ was no longer working so that Mohr and Gruber therefore created a song for accompaniment by guitar. Silent Night historian, Renate Ebeling-Winkler Berenguer says that the first mention of a broken organ was in a book published in the U.S.
Some believe that Mohr simply wanted a new Christmas carol that he could play on his guitar. The Silent Night Society says that there are "many romantic stories and legends" that add their own anecdotal details to the known facts.
James Lord Pierpont originally composed his song in 1850.. Pierpont wrote the song at the former Simpson Tavern, now 19 High Street in the center of Medford Square. According to the Medford Historical Society, the song was inspired by the town's popular sleigh races during the 1800s.
"Jingle Bells" was originally copyrighted with the name "One Horse Open Sleigh" on September 16, 1857.[2] It was reprinted in 1859 with the revised title of "Jingle Bells, or the One Horse Open Sleigh".
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. The story of Rudolph was Robert L. May in 1939 as an assignment for Montgomery Ward. The retailer had been buying and giving away coloring books for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money. May considered naming the reindeer "Rollo" and "Reginald" before deciding upon using the name "Rudolph".
May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, decided to adapt the story of Rudolph into a song. Marks (1909–1985), was a radio producer and wrote several popular Christmas songs. He was born in a New York City suburb and graduated from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, before traveling to Paris to study music.
It was first sung commercially by crooner Harry Brannon on New York city radio in the latter part of 1948 before Gene Autry recorded it formally in 1949, and has since filtered into the popular consciousness.
"Silent Night" is a popular Christmas carol. The original lyrics of the song Stille Nacht were written in Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr and the melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xaver Gruber. In 1859, John Freeman Young (second Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Florida) published the English translation that is most frequently sung today.[1] The version of the melody that is generally sung today differs slightly (particularly in the final strain) from Gruber's original, which was a sprightly, dance-like tune in 6/8, as opposed to the slow, meditative lullaby version generally sung today.
The carol was first performed in the Nikolaus-Kirche (Church of St. Nicholas) in Oberndorf, Austria on December 24, 1818. Mohr had composed the words two years earlier, in 1816, but on Christmas Eve brought them to Gruber and asked him to compose a melody and guitar accompaniment for the church service.
According to the song's history provided by Austria's Silent Night Society, one supposition is that the church organ was no longer working so that Mohr and Gruber therefore created a song for accompaniment by guitar. Silent Night historian, Renate Ebeling-Winkler Berenguer says that the first mention of a broken organ was in a book published in the U.S.
Some believe that Mohr simply wanted a new Christmas carol that he could play on his guitar. The Silent Night Society says that there are "many romantic stories and legends" that add their own anecdotal details to the known facts.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
When sick - it's the best time to pray
Too Busy Not to Pray, 20th Anniversary Edition- softcover By Bill Hybels |
When sick a Christian must take advantage of this situation to speak to God in prayer.
Man is an animal and being as such he is govern by his animalistic or survival instincts. He craves for food and pleasures and avoids pains. These animalistic instincts are necessary for survival. If we don’t avoid pains and unpleasant experiences and craves for foods and pleasant and pleasurable things, we are doomed to expire soon.
Man’s survival instincts however are at the service of the flesh and not of the spirit. Praying is a spiritual activity. In prayer, our soul communicates with God a spiritual being (i.e. as oppose to a material being.) In normal circumstance putting oneself in the presence of God is not easy because our instincts are on the way. They are just like nuisance to radio signals in telecommunications.
When a person is ill, his craving for food and other pleasures tend to die down. This produces a very good signal between man’s soul and God. It is like having a very good radio signal in telecommunication.
Because of this, we can feel God deeper, we can talk to God clearer and we can commune or feel like being with God better.
The next time that you are ill, take advantage of the situation. Pray hard. It works.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Gold coins - Ideal Christian gift
One of the three wise men brought the infant Jesus gold, as his present to the new born king. This magi gesture recognizes Jesus Kingship. This magi gift is also considered by others to symbolize virtue.
When giving gift this Christmas, give something that has a sacred symbol hidden it. Your best bet is to buy that special someone some gold coins.
Gold had been known for years as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power. It’s is a unique investment. From the eras of the ancient civilizations up to now, man has had a special fascination with gold.
United States Gold Bureau is the place to be to
buy gold coins for your loved ones.
When giving gift this Christmas, give something that has a sacred symbol hidden it. Your best bet is to buy that special someone some gold coins.
Gold had been known for years as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power. It’s is a unique investment. From the eras of the ancient civilizations up to now, man has had a special fascination with gold.
United States Gold Bureau is the place to be to
buy gold coins for your loved ones.
Friday, 3 December 2010
A Christian Blog on Christian Books
Why Christian Books?

Is the Bible not enough? Why do we need to read Christian books?
Yes the Bible is not enough. The bible was written for a particular people in a particular place at a particular time. We need Christian articles that will make the teachings, concepts, faith experiences in the bible by the early Christians relevant to people of today in their respective circumstances.
Christian books by our present Christian authors will help the Christians and non-Christians of this present age understand God, faith, religion, church, and the like more real, tangible, simple and liveable.
Christians should read more Christian books to live out their faith, i.e. make them true Christians 24/7 and non-Christians should read Christian books to understand more fully the essence of Christianity
Is the Bible not enough? Why do we need to read Christian books?
Yes the Bible is not enough. The bible was written for a particular people in a particular place at a particular time. We need Christian articles that will make the teachings, concepts, faith experiences in the bible by the early Christians relevant to people of today in their respective circumstances.
Christian books by our present Christian authors will help the Christians and non-Christians of this present age understand God, faith, religion, church, and the like more real, tangible, simple and liveable.
Christians should read more Christian books to live out their faith, i.e. make them true Christians 24/7 and non-Christians should read Christian books to understand more fully the essence of Christianity
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Christian cure- Christ mission
It was one of Jesus mission, to cure people's illness. Notice that Jesus cured them without any trace of blood at all. It's faith it was miracle, it was to show the power and love of God.
But the best cure is prevention. Don't get sick. Love your body, it's the temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of it, don't 'manslaughter' it. Take good care of it the natural way. Herbal Life prevents you from contracting unnecessary illnesses/
But the best cure is prevention. Don't get sick. Love your body, it's the temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of it, don't 'manslaughter' it. Take good care of it the natural way. Herbal Life prevents you from contracting unnecessary illnesses/
A Christian blog on Christian gift
Gift giving entails symbolism. It is quite unfortunate for people in Christian developing countries when such symbolism is lost to simply opportunity for material gain.
Some poor people in Christian dominated countries when Christmas is viewed as a time for receiving freebies. The meaning of Christian gift giving is no longer the primary purpose of giving Christmas gifts during Christmas.
Because of this many Christians when deciding what gift to buy for their loved ones ask themselves the wrong question. Usually they will think, “Is this Christian gift good enough?” “Is this Christmas gift worth enough?”, “Will this Christmas gift look cheap?” And because they are asking the wrong question, they are not able to give their loved ones meaningful gifts - something that they can cherish and keep meaningfully.
The three wise men who came and venerated the infant Jesus brought their respective gift to the new born king. The gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold symbolizes Jesus kingship and virtues, Frankincense, his priesthood and myrrh his passion and death.
So when choosing to buy a gift on Christmas, make it sure that there is a symbolism that goes with your gift, thus making it a true Christian gift. The question therefore that you must ask yourself in deciding what Christmas gift would be the right one for your loved ones should be: What is the meaning or symbol that I would like to go with my gift? To answer such question one or more other questions regarding the recipient should be asked for. For example, who is this person in my life? What is the thing that this person value most? Or what do I want this person to value in his life? Having answers to such questions make your decision making much easier.
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