The bible is the word of God. It is holy and written by inspired writers. But nonetheless, it should be read with care and in good faith.
The argument: "Is it written in the bible" should never be use at all. Jacob and his mother had cheated Essau of his birthright and yet Jacob is still believed to be one of Christian patriarchs. He also fathered children from several women, which is a bit unChristianly.
Here is a link that is worth noting. If you care for your faith you must make a strong argument and defence to counter those allegations >>>link
Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Friday, 20 August 2010
Get up and walk
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Matthew 9:1-8 - ... Jesus re-embarked on the boat, crossed the lake, and came to his own town (of Capernaum). Immediately some people arrived bringing him a paralytic lying flat on his bed. When Jesus saw the faith of those who brought him he said to the paralytic, "Cheer up, my son! Your sins are forgiven."
At once some of the scribes thought to themselves, "This man is blaspheming". But Jesus realised what they were thinking, and said to them, "Why must you have such evil thoughts in your minds? Do you think it is easier to say to this man, 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Get up and walk'? But to make it quite plain that the Son of Man has full authority on earth to forgive sins" - and here he spoke to the paralytic - "Get up, pick up your bed and go home." And the man sprang to his feet and went home. When the crowds saw what had happened they were filled with awe and praised God for giving such power to men.
NMEDA - our modern day miracle worker.
Jesus showed his love to us by curing peoples’ illness. Every time we show our love to others we partake in his mission.
Sharing in Jesus' mission is what NMEDA is actually doing. NMEDA does not perform miraculous curing but it shares in Jesus' mission by ensuring that disable people are properly looked after for.
Jesus showed God’s love to us by teaching us basic Christian principles, NMEDA educate consumers on buying products from an NMEDA qualified dealer.They promote safe driving and equipment for disabled people. NMEDA through their qualified dealers helps in training caregivers so that our disabled brothers and sisters can enjoy some sense of quality mobility.
NMEDA may not have the curing power of Jesus but it can assure you that when you go to their dealers you are going for the best quality. They are QAP accredited. (QAP or Quality assurance program is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry)
What really matters most is that NMEDA like Jesus can make disable people experience comfort and love. Make them feel that life is still worth living for despite of their circumstances.
Miracles are not rally about performing things beyond human capacity but rather they are about experiencing the true meaning of God’s love.
NMEDA is indeed our modern day miracle worker.
Make a little miracle for your disabled lovedones, visit now.
or simply click here to find the closest qualified dealer to your place.

A Christian Blog on Jesus Mission
The mission of Jesus is simple and straight forward. You don't have to be very clever to understand it. It is simply to show the love of God to us.
In everything he does, we see and feel God's love for us.
How did he do it?
First he cured the sick. Then he drove out demons and evil spirits. And then he taguht us how to live life to the full.
He cures the blinds and the disables.
He applied exorcism.
He taught us to love our enemies. He taught us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. And he taught us to love God.
The mission of Jesus is all about love.
God is Love.
In everything he does, we see and feel God's love for us.
How did he do it?
First he cured the sick. Then he drove out demons and evil spirits. And then he taguht us how to live life to the full.
He cures the blinds and the disables.
He applied exorcism.
He taught us to love our enemies. He taught us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. And he taught us to love God.
The mission of Jesus is all about love.
God is Love.
Christian Gold Bullion

A good alternative to saving in banks and stock market trading is purchasing gold or silver and other precious metals in ingot forms or coins.
As their values appreciate then your investments grow. Investing in gold or silver bullion is ideal as you can actually touch and see your investments. It is the olden days means of investing, it is still very much effective and practice by wise and experienced investors.
Have you tried this before? Maybe not ye,. then why not try purchasing gold or silver from the United States Gold Bureau. There you can purchase precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.
Investing is Christian-like. Remember the parable of the tenants? Don’t just give it a try - do it.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Jesus loves boating
boating holidays
A boat from the time of Jesus
was discovered in the Sea of Galilee
it is known as
A must for pilgrims visiting the Holyland
One of Israel's unique unforgettable highlights.
Sail on a wooden replica boat from the time of JESUS.
wooden boats similar to "The Jesus boats" in order to create the emotional atmosphere in which to pray,- meditate and remember how "he" preached on the Sea of Galilee.
Listen to authentic music while sailing.
Learn about the Holyland.
See The original ancient boat!
Experience the peace and tranquility of the Sea of Galilee.
Each pilgrim receives a certificate for participating.
More info about the boats!
See All our boats!
Reserve a place on the Boats for your Group!
A boat from the time of Jesus
was discovered in the Sea of Galilee
it is known as
A must for pilgrims visiting the Holyland
One of Israel's unique unforgettable highlights.
Sail on a wooden replica boat from the time of JESUS.
wooden boats similar to "The Jesus boats" in order to create the emotional atmosphere in which to pray,- meditate and remember how "he" preached on the Sea of Galilee.
Listen to authentic music while sailing.
Learn about the Holyland.
See The original ancient boat!
Experience the peace and tranquility of the Sea of Galilee.
Each pilgrim receives a certificate for participating.
More info about the boats!
See All our boats!
Reserve a place on the Boats for your Group!
The Assumption
According to the belief of Christians of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Catholic Churches, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Orthodoxy, and the Anglican Communion, the Assumption of Mary was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her life. The Roman Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."[1] This doctrine was dogmatically and infallibly defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950 in his Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus. This belief is known as the Dormition of the Theotokos by the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches. In the churches which observe it, the Assumption is a major feast day, commonly celebrated on August 15. In many countries it is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation.
In his August 15, 2004, homily given at Lourdes, Pope John Paul II quoted John 14:3 as one of the scriptural bases for understanding the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. In this verse, Jesus tells his disciples at the Last Supper, "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you to myself; that where I am, you may be there also." According to Catholic theology, Mary is the pledge of the fulfillment of Christ's promise.[2]
The feast of the Assumption on August 15 is a public holiday in many countries, including Lebanon, Italy, Malta, Belgium, Portugal, France, Spain, Greece and Chile.[3] In Eastern Orthodox churches following the Julian Calendar, the feast day of Assumption of Mary falls on August 28, and is a public holiday in the Republic of Macedonia.
In his August 15, 2004, homily given at Lourdes, Pope John Paul II quoted John 14:3 as one of the scriptural bases for understanding the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. In this verse, Jesus tells his disciples at the Last Supper, "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you to myself; that where I am, you may be there also." According to Catholic theology, Mary is the pledge of the fulfillment of Christ's promise.[2]
The feast of the Assumption on August 15 is a public holiday in many countries, including Lebanon, Italy, Malta, Belgium, Portugal, France, Spain, Greece and Chile.[3] In Eastern Orthodox churches following the Julian Calendar, the feast day of Assumption of Mary falls on August 28, and is a public holiday in the Republic of Macedonia.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
A Christian Bedroom Dresser

A Christian bedroom dresser must reflect Christian theme.
It is something that will make one thinks that the person owning such bedroom dresser is a devout Christian.
Its look should be suggestive of Christian’ traits and characters and something that portrays holiness and religiosity.
How can this be achieved? First and foremost, the owner should be indeed a true Christian in faith and spirit.
Christian symbols should be shown somewhere appropriate in the bedroom dresser. Some examples are images of Jesus and or Mary; images of the Saints; Christian symbols, the holy bible, and the like.
Choice of colour is another thing to consider. Too colourful and metallic looking should be avoided. Preferable are antique looking colour, pastel colours and mono colours.
The room atmosphere must also have some Christian looks. There should be some sort of harmony between the dresser and all other things that can be found in a room.
But no matter how Christian looking is your dresser is, if one is not practicing as Christian then everything will just be a show. Everything is just a waste of time and money.
A Christian bedroom dresser that is indeed worth considering are the ones that you can find in this store. Try this link, and let the dressers speak for themselves.
David and Goliath
This is a violent story not suited for children. This iv very violent. Just imagine the the scene of the actual combat, it is something that is simply not acceptable to typical viewing standard.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
A Christian Blog on USAEyes
USAEyes is the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance, a nonprofit Lasik patient advocacy organization. For over a decade USAEyes has helped patients learn important issues about Lasik and similar vision correction surgery.
• The USAEyes website complies with the Health on the net code standard for trustworthy health information.
• USAEyes has been cited in Newsweek, US News & World Report, CBS News, National Public Radio, NBC Nightly News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fox News, Associated Press, MSNBC, and Oprah!
• The USAEyes CORE Patient Survey reports real-world Lasik results as reported by Lasik patients.
• Patients use the USAEyes Ask a Lasik Expert forum to post questions and receive researched answers to their questions both before surgery and after.
• The USAEyes fifty tough questions for Your Lasik Doctor can help anyone avoid a bad Lasik doctor.
Maybe Lasik is not right for you. At USAEyes, all the vision correction surgery alternatives like PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, RLE, and PIOL are discussed in detail.
• USAEyes evaluates the Lasik results of individual doctors and certifies if they meet their exacting standards.
• A US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes as a reliable source of Lasik information.
• Representatives of USAEyes have testified before the FDA
• The USAEyes website complies with the Health on the net code standard for trustworthy health information.
• USAEyes has been cited in Newsweek, US News & World Report, CBS News, National Public Radio, NBC Nightly News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fox News, Associated Press, MSNBC, and Oprah!
• The USAEyes CORE Patient Survey reports real-world Lasik results as reported by Lasik patients.
• Patients use the USAEyes Ask a Lasik Expert forum to post questions and receive researched answers to their questions both before surgery and after.
• The USAEyes fifty tough questions for Your Lasik Doctor can help anyone avoid a bad Lasik doctor.
Maybe Lasik is not right for you. At USAEyes, all the vision correction surgery alternatives like PRK, LASEK, Epi-Lasik, RLE, and PIOL are discussed in detail.
• USAEyes evaluates the Lasik results of individual doctors and certifies if they meet their exacting standards.
• A US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes as a reliable source of Lasik information.
• Representatives of USAEyes have testified before the FDA
Bible - Rated PG
My eight year old daughter told me one day that the bible should be rated PG. He showed me her bible stories book which shows David killing Goliath. Indeed many stories in the bible are not suitable for young readers. Take for example the story of David and Bathsheba, Samson and Delilah, and even the crucifixion and death of Jesus is too violent for young children.
Christian Blog Copy

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Blog Copy could be the answer to your questions.
BlogCopy is a tool designed to monitor which texts and images readers copy from your blog. BlogCopy does not, however, copy entire posts or blogs.
Blogcopy can be simply installed on your blog by creating an account on, then get the code snippet and insert it inside the HTML of your website.
After you have created an account on BlogCopy, you can now access your dashboard. You will then find your BlogCopy stats there. They are updated near real-time depending on server load
Monday, 9 August 2010
The Book of Jasher
Ever wonder why Essau, the poor victim of Jacob's mother deceipt seems to be a nobdy in the bible? He is the victim but why should Jacob got all the blessings. What happened to Divine Justice.
Ever wonder that some things are missing in the old testament stories. Find the missing link in the book of Jasher.
try this link.
it's very interesting. Is this a case of conspiracy?
Ever wonder that some things are missing in the old testament stories. Find the missing link in the book of Jasher.
try this link.
it's very interesting. Is this a case of conspiracy?
Friday, 6 August 2010
Article Alley
Share your thoughts to others, submit your writings to Article Alley it is the place to be for someone who want to be heard of.
A thougt is a mystery. It is something you cannot touch but indeed very real.
Many things around you were simply products of people thoughts.
Every creature is a product of the Creator's thoughts. Everything agrees with the mind of God.
A thougt is a mystery. It is something you cannot touch but indeed very real.
Many things around you were simply products of people thoughts.
Every creature is a product of the Creator's thoughts. Everything agrees with the mind of God.
Bible is a book of memory
The bible is a book of memory. It contains written account based on the memory of the writers.
Memory is basically subjective, hence the bible should not be taken as historicala.
Indeed it contains many historical events but but still the manner in which they were written were coloured with ''accidents'which the authors believed would be helpful in passing on the message to the intended readers.
Memory is basically subjective, hence the bible should not be taken as historicala.
Indeed it contains many historical events but but still the manner in which they were written were coloured with ''accidents'which the authors believed would be helpful in passing on the message to the intended readers.
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