Christians starts as small group. Being a Christian was not easy. Now Christian people does not refer to one religion. Catholic Christian is just a fraction of Christian people. Many new Christian groups are emerging. Christian blog for everyone affirms that there's only 1 Christian message,the same gospel of Christ and of God,the same Christian hope and grace for all Christians.This Christian blog aims to bring Christ message into the world of Christian Blog.This Christian Blog is for everyone.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Follow Me - A Christian blog on Jesuits
I once had a teacher who was a Jesuit priest. I was a bit struggling with my term paper. "Luckily" (at least for me) He died before the end of the term hence I had all the time in the world to finish my work. Anyway the relevance of the story is that, during his wake, his coffin was placed in the chapel without anyone holding a vigil or guarding it. At first I was shock, thinking that those bloody Jesuits were so selfish to leave their brother in that state. Now I understand their concept of humility. SJ for simple Jesuits.
An excerp from Ignatian Spiritual Exercise:
Saint Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), Founder of the Jesuits
Spiritual Exercises, 2nd.Week, 12th.Day (trans.Thomas Corbishley)
«Follow me »
The three ways of humility. The first way of humility is necessary for salvation. It consists in my subjecting and abasing myself as far as I can, so that I always obey the law of God our Lord, at least to this extent: even if men were to offer to make me Lord of the entire creation, even were my life threatened, I should yet not think of breaking any commandment, divine or human...
The second way of humility is more perfect than the first. It means that I so submit myself that I neither seek nor desire to be rich rather than poor, I do not try to be well thought of rather than disregarded, I do not want to live many years rather than few, where the service of our Lord God and my own salvation are equally promoted...
The third way of humility is the most perfect. Supposing that I have attained to the first two ways, and granted an equal measure of praise and glory to God, I desire to be poor along with Christ in poverty rather than rich, to be insulted along with Christ so grossly insulted, rather than to be thought well of: I would rather be thought a helpless fool for the sake of Christ who was so treated, rather than to be thought «wise and prudent» in the world's eyes (Mt 11,25).
Saturday, 26 September 2009
A Christian Blog on Greek Untitled God

Wednesday, 23 September 2009
End of the Rope - A Christian blog in growing old
So what should a Christian attitude should be when it comes to growing old?
Bear in mind that life on earth is just temporary. This is not our true destiny.
All men and therefore all Christians were endowed with survival instinct, just like any other animals. We cling to life, we fear death, we want to live forever. This maybe a good for us temporarily and to further humanity, but as mentioned earlier, earthly life is not our destiny.
By growing old, we realised that soon or late, we will be passing over somewhere. But as long as we live, as long as we are not dead, we Christians should strive to live meaningfully and happily.
Christians have the responsibility to make their Christian and even non-Christian parents and elderly loved ones happy.
Christians should amuse and entertain them. Bingo is always a good option. It keeps their mind busy and it gives them something to look forward to for the morrow. Go for Online Bingo and it will even be more exciting - and manageable as well.
Christians should honor their parents, non-Christians must also do the same, many Atheists do love their parents. Let's make our old loved ones happy.
A Christian Blog on the Real Jesus
This blog on the real Jesus is different from most of writings about Jesus for this focuses more on the human aspect of the real Jesus.
Many blog posts on Jesus write more on his Divine life, i.e. a blog about Jesus who is God.
This blog posts about Jesus overlooked the meaning of importance of incarnation - the Word became flesh - God became man, the real Jesus.
A blog entry about the real Jesus as man will deepen one's faith and understanding of Christianity.
Many Christians think of Jesus as superman, someone very different from an ordinary man. This kind of thinking just missed the point with regards to Incarnation. Many Christians with this kind of thinking tend to be more exclusive of their lost brothers - the sinners, the misguided, the fall guys.
To know more about Jesus is to know more the human aspect of his life.
Many Christians I believe will be scandalised if I say that Jesus was an Animal But indeed he was an animal.
The word became flesh, we are all flesh, we are all animals. We are members ofo the animal kingdom. When God became man, he is therefore like us in all things (except sin) and therefore he was an animal like us. A thinking animal.
He can get angry, aroused, hungry, tired, ignorant etc. He should be taught how to speak, how to walk, and the likes. He needs to go to the toilet, he needs to take a bath etc.
The point of the Incarnation is for God to show us how to live like human though we are animals. God became animal in order to show us that we can be Godlike though we are animals.
Yes he can feed 5000, he can cure illness, he can command the sea - but all these can also be done by any ordinary man, by animal like us. Remember, he said that all you need is faith as big as a mustard seed and you can move mountain.
Yes we are animals, Jesus was an animal, but unlike other animals, we can move mountain, but first we have to have faith.
(Thanks for visiting my Christian blog. Please come again. Your comments are important to this Christian blog. God Bless.)
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Why Christians love their enemies?
Christians are not being imposed to do something that is hard to do but rather something that is good for Christians souls and Christians health.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 6:27-38.
But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit (is) that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, and get back the same amount. But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as (also) your Father is merciful. Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you."
Just imagine if what happen when you are angry. You cannot think right, you cannot eat right, your blood pressure soars, you cannot sleep well. Where are all these things leading to?
Christians knew the obvious answer. Being angry will eventually lead to illness and death.
God loves us so much, He doesn't want us to be stricken with heart attack. It's okay to be angry, but not until 6pm or 9pm during summer.
Love your enemies, you avoid being angry, you are more healthy. Health is wealth.
Don't give anyone the pleasure of making you angry.
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Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Christians Lineage - Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar
This is very interesting because Perez and Zerah were the children of Judah whose mother was Tamar.
Now who is Tamar? Tamar is the daughter in law of Judah. So how did it happen?
It's oput vengeance and deceipt.
Vengeance because Tamar was upset at Judah. When she married his eldest son, he died. By default, the next son should marry her. Unfortunately he also died. The next son in line was suppose to marry her but Judah did not want another dead son. He sent Tamar home. . . to be continued
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Christian Miracles or Magics
Non-Christians and Christians alike, in most instance, took Jesus miracles as magics. They wanted to believe in Jesus because of his magics - which are actually miracles. Thereby such Christians founded their faith not on Jesus as God but Jesus as the magician. Such faith of a Christian is simply absurd.
Once you take miracle as magic then you are missing the point. Note that those who wanted to follow Jesus after the feeding of about five thousand people were rebuked by him, telling them that you wanted to follow me because I fed you. He then made a point that what is more important is a food that when taken you will never be hungry again.
Miracles are event in which Jesus showed as the unconditional love of God for his people. They are not meant to impress us that he can do something which only he can do but rather he is simply telling us that "I love you".
If you can therefore show God's love to others, whether it is something as simple as giving water to a thirsty homeless person, then you are showing God's love. Therefore you are doing a miracle.
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Monday, 7 September 2009
Christian bloggers connection
Christian blogger connections, a group in Facebook could be a good venue to meet other Christian bloggers.
Any Chrisitan bloggers or authors of a Christian blog or any blog with Christian theme is welcome to join.
Christian Bloggers Connection

Let us tell the world of his love, the greatest love the world has known. Let us blog the world of His love, the greatest love that you can blog about.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Being a Catholic Christian

Take your Christian identity seriously. If you are a Catholic Christian then act like a catholic Christian.
Forget about those worldly things. Don't be concerned to much about money and carreer. About pleasing your boss and your partner. Delving too much about the future. Catholic Christians should not concern with these non-essentials.
Take tine to pamper yourself with Personal Stress Relief from Economic, Environmental Issues. Remember Mary, the sister of Martha, all she did was sat by Jesus feet and listned. And according to Jesus, what she did is much more important than keeping oneself busy in the kitchen.
Feed yourself with food that gives you everlasting life and that which will not make you hungry again.
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Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Cars for Christians

This passage from the gospel of Saint Mathew is a good guidance to follow in choosing cars for Christians:
Blessed are the meek for they shaler inherit the earth. Mt. 5:5
Meek means showing patience and humility.
When choosing a car whether used cars or brand new cars humility is the right virtue to give importance to. They should not go for extravant and those not environmentally friendly cars but rather they should choose the ones which are not harmful to the environment, In other words choose the one that has lower carbon foot print.
Christians must also practice driving properly in order to minimize their carbon dioxide emission. Some points to be noted are: using the right gear, i.e. don't use lower gears unnecessarily as they are consuming more fuels; refreain from using brake unnecessarily to keep you from using lower gears.
Having said all these, still the best way of being humble is to walk as much as possible. With walking your carbon footprint is zero. Indeed the meek shall inherit the earth.
Kindly support my sponsor below and drive safely with your Christian car.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
TNHS Batch 1982
The Creation story in the bible has nothing to do with the actual
creation. (But TNHS Batch 1982 has)
1. The Author was not present during creation.
2. Some elements of creation are very unrealistic, like water from above and water from below.The story of creation is actually about civil engineering, i.e. arranging thing in its proper order.
If you read closely the genesis story of creation, you will soon realize that the main theme is order. This is precisely what a civil engineer does. Arranging things in its proper order, or making this world a better place to live in.Constructing a building, specially if done through 'bayanihan' will give you a deeper sense of fulfillment. This is so because we share in the creating power of God.
THNHS Batch 1982 communal effort in building a school class room is just a perfect example of living out the meaning of creation.
Jesus loves animals
Matthew 10:29
Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Luke 2:6-8
Jesus was born in a manger among the animals.
Shepherds tending sheep saw the angels announcing the birth of our Savior.
Luke 19:28
Jesus, for His triumphal entry, chose two colts to ride into Bethany at the hill of the Mount of Olives.
Revelation 4:1-8; 5:11-13
Beasts are gathered around throne
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders…The I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: ”To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
Revelations 19:11
Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. And the one sitting on the horse was named Faithful and True.
Jesus will return as our Messiah riding a white horse…
All throughout scriptures, we see the animals included in important events. God has created them all for a purpose.
May you find comfort and hope by reading about these events in your favorite bible translations.
Yes, he loves animals, and that includes us, - the so called rational animals.
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