.The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
Jesus had just confirmed that no matter how sinful you are, all you need in order to be in God’s Kingdom, is a sincere intention that you wanted to be.
Will it be alright then to say that, I would live a sinful life now and then I’ll just repent on the time just about before I die?
No and Yes. No because if you are indeed sincere in your intention then you will never do so. Yes because even then your sincerity to repent in the hour of death could indeed be genuine. God knows if you are.
Is the other thief salvation accidental? What if he was not crucified with Jesus, then he would never have the chance to chat with him. Still he would be. The mere fact that he explicitly told Jesus of his desires just confirms what his heart desires. God knows what’s in our heart, whether we say it or not.
What about the other thief, i.e. the evil one, was he saved at all? Only God knows. Remember Jesus asked his Father to forgive his murderers for knew not what they are doing, plus the fact that stealing is not a mortal sin. Thus, he had a chance.
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Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Speech of Gov. Ed Panlilio at Ateneo de Manila University
Speech of Gov. Ed Panlilio at Ateneo de Manila University
Eight hours from now, I will be speaking before a similar audience at De La Salle University.
I know what you are thinking. You got first dibs at the governor of Pampanga, and for that alone, the eagle has soared over the archer once again. Tuloy, I am tempted to shout, FABILIOH!
By the way, I gave a talk in UP last week, so that probably settles the implied question.
Beyond your deep-rooted and far-reaching rivalry, I am grateful to you for giving me a forum to communicate the moral crusade in Pampanga. I hope that the campus communities will respond positively and become an active partner in the renewal that we all desire for our country.
You invited me to share with you my experience in responding to the call of leadership in a time of crisis. I would prefer to rephrase it as a response to a crisis in leadership. In order to make it clearer to you, allow me to begin with a bit of an overview of the social and political situation in Pampanga a few months before the elections.
Lilia Pineda, more casually called Nanay Baby, (nanay na, baby pa. trust the Filipino to be that family oriented) broke into the turf of the Lapid father and son when she began a series of so-called consultations with the people, asking them two questions: first, if their lot has improved with the ascent of the incumbent governor, Mark Lapid. The answer of course, was quite obvious, leading to the second question, if they have an alternative leader they would want to take over the governorship. The answer was equally undeniable. Equipped with more than adequate resources, she covered the whole province, practically running a roadshow of grassroots building.
There was talk that Pineda, then a board member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and the wife of Bong Pineda (who is quite notorious, I mean, famous in his own right throughout Regions One to Five), decided to face Mark Lapid head on in the coming elections because the governor chose Con Laus, the son of a local businessman, over her own son, who was the mayor of Lubao town. To make matters worse for the father of the province, Pineda ally and Vice Governor Joseller Guiao filed a case against him, alleging graft and corruption in the supervision and collection of quarry taxes.
The stage therefore was set for a grand battle between the two political giants of Pampanga. Every media pundit and sari-sari store istambay were expecting a drawn out war of attrition, where no prisoners will be taken and no resources will be spared. A senior citizen described it with a mixture of expectation and dread, saying, " muran pera king kampanya," or that it will rain money during the campaign. So many of the poverty-stricken in the province excitedly awaited the coming of the usual generosity, commonly experienced every three years, but only this time it will come like wave after wave of blessings. It was often said that it is only during this period that the poor get the attention and assistance they deserve, so they better make the most of it by playing one side against the other, conceding to the highest bidder, as it were. Many among the Kapampangans, however, were disconsolate at the prospect of having to choose between two candidates they did not like. A good many of them have decided that early to leave blank the space for governor in their ballots.
Before this backdrop, a group of people, a priest and some seminarians among them (no, I was not the priest) regretted the state of affairs that their province was in. If only to express a statement to the world that Pampanga is not bereft of good leadership, they decided to gather more of their like-minded friends and begin to search for an alternative candidate. Enough is enough, they said, the pride of the Kapampangan is at stake here. And if you know us, then you should also know that our kayabangan is legendary.
And so began the series of consultations in search of a candidate with the moral ground, the resources and the acceptability, who will stand as a symbol for the Kapampangan dignity and conscience.
We had a great difficulty in searching for that candidate. It even dawned on us that we might have been too idealistic, too far removed from reality. Either our prospect could not measure up to our criteria, or he would not be willing to get entangled between two battling giants. "The election result is already common knowledge," one of them said, conceding to the strength of one of the candidates, although I will not say who SHE is.
In the midst of this desperation, one seminarian turned to me and asked, "what about you?" My immediate and emphatic answer was, "no way!" My heart and mind was then running on hierarchical fuel. It was never an option for a Kapampangan priest to run for office in any previous election. Kapampangans being such a pious people, they revere their priests to a fault, conceding to them a spiritual leadership that excluded political power.
Like any other Filipino, Kapampangans live with a compartmentalized sense of morality. Our churches are filled every Sunday, but our jueteng industry is equally robust. We declare ourselves cerrado catolico, but we do not pay our taxes honestly. Our cars and jeepneys are festooned with images and pictures of the crucified Christ and the Virgin Mother, but they are not powerful enough to remind us to obey traffic laws. Thus, what place is there for a priest to enter the secular world of politics?
The idea of a priest running for the governorship snowballed among the people of conscience who have begun to call themselves the Third Force. Slowly, my outright refusal gave way to sober reflection as I thought of the people being under the yoke of patronage, and for how long, since we all know how easily political dynasties can take root and flourish. I looked back at my past to find a ground and a horizon for my final decision.
Even as a seminarian, I have intently dedicated my life for the uplift of the marginalized and the weak, and this had continued in my parochial and archdiocesan work. Thankfully, I was assigned later to direct the Social Action Center of Pampanga, more popularly known as SACOP. This enabled me to delve more deeply into the plight of the masses and be exposed to their needs and aspirations, and more importantly, to identify with their situation. Thus, I made it a personal choice to live a simple life and temper my wants to the more basic necessities, for it would not have been in consonance with the Gospel had I enjoyed affluence while people around me were hungry. If they did not eat, I did not eat.
The eruption of Mount Pinatubo allowed me to work more closely with government and non-government organizations in helping to ease the plight of the poor and dispossessed. I began to realize that good intentions were not enough, there must be a working structure that would efficiently and effectively answer to the needs of the poor. I also learned that I did not have the answer to all the problems besetting the needy, that there are others who can creatively contribute to the common pool of knowledge and wisdom. Thus, it was impressed upon me that I was not a modern-day Messiah, but rather, a bringer of grace from the Annointed One. On the other hand, I realized that redemption has its social underpinnings, and that I join all other people in a journey towards salvation. Having experienced all these, there came a certain point in my life when I dedicated my priesthood to the central message of the Gospel of John, that Christ came that man may have fullness of life in all its dimensions, that we as clerics must not only feed the soul, but also see to the nourishment of the body and the mind. I celebrated the sacraments as essential signs of relationship with the Divine, but encouraged my parishioners to share their graces to the less fortunate they meet outside the Church. In my own humble way, I persevered in my vocation and my service to the archdiocese, giving my obedience to my spiritual fathers, first to Archbishop Oscar Cruz, and then to Archbishop Aniceto, fostered by my brotherhood with my fellow priests.
Thus, when I finally conceded to become a candidate for governor, it was in response to a gaping need for moral resurgence in a despairing province, and in a more personal way, a deepening of my ministerial priesthood. When Kapampangans of known capability, respected stature and proven worth would not want to give people an option to choose a better candidate, I had to stand up for my people. But believe me, I had to spend days of prayer and feverish consultations before I made my decision. I had to resolve if this was a genuine desire for good, or a hidden longing for glorification. Either way, I was made aware of the consequences of my decision. The reasons for not running were many and equally valid. Not a few friends came and gave me their advice. I listened. In the end, I had to listen to and obey what my conscience dictated. My own ministerial priesthood demanded that I come down from the safety and security of the pulpit and incarnate the Gospel message in the political world. The Church has been complaining for so long about graft and corruption, but she was generally being ignored. It would have seemed that she has lost her moral authority over the considering that most of the suspected practitioners of graft and corruption came from Catholic schools themselves, Ateneo included, or probably, Ateneo specially. It was my belief that the extraordinary situation prevailing in Pampanga at that time demanded an entirely different and fundamental response. I took the leap and decided to do something about it hands on. I leapt, and found that I was not alone. I was joined by men and women of good will who were willing to take a risk.
I honestly believe that the people who leapt with me, people from all class and all manners of persuasion were driven by a common desire to see through a crusade that will realize Gospel values in governance. I do not deny the fact that Kapampangans are personalistic, more so with their priests, but be that as it may, I have always explained that the crusade was not about me, but it was about something bigger than all of us combined. I was just a part of the whole, as important as the campaign manager, but equally as indispensable as the poll watcher.
Who were these people of conscience? A classic example would be our technical consultant on software systems. All his life he had never voted in any election, or even participated by any means whatsoever. He was a self-confessed apolitical and fence-sitting Filipino who would just let political dogs lie, for as long as they leave him in peace. But when the crusade began, he was convinced by his wife to visit the EDquarters and offer whatever talent or materials he could contribute to the furtherance of the campaign. We cannot quantify his involvement in pesos, much less measure its effects, but because of his free services, we were able to set up a text brigade, hook up the EDquarters in a wi-fi network, and more importantly implement an automated quick count system that helped us track down the results of the elections accurately. Given the fact that as independent candidate I was not privileged to receive a copy of the election returns, his help was truly incalculable. What is more notable is that during an interview, it was found out that he lived next door to a mayoralty candidate of the City of San Fernando . He could have earned tens of thousands of pesos, had he offered his services to him. But he chose to give it to us for free.
Actively involved, too were a dozen former seminarians who were among the workhorses of the campaign. Collectively known as Bakal Boys, their background often provided a spiritual dimension in our daily struggle. Where else would you find a campaign where strategies and tactics were discussed along with conversion, metanoia and kenosis? Many of them were influential in my decision to run, being members of the core group that searched for an alternative candidate. Among the Bakal Boys was one who lived quite an easy life in Cebu , earning a salary that would be the envy of most single men of his age and stature. But like Peter, he left everything behind, leaning on nothing but his faith and his earnest desire to do something good for our province. He is now a part of my team, involved in a sensitive position that requires my utmost trust and confidence. Another former seminarian came all the way from London , where his community produced the very first U-Tube video in support of my candidacy.
Perhaps it is the presence of the Bakal Boys that allowed us to look at the ordinary events of the campaign with the eyes of faith. The confluence of all the events, such as the blessing of good weather in both our grand miting de avances, the speed at which triumph was achieved, the mystery of the experts in statistics and probability being confounded by their own means, all pointed to the hand of God actively involving Himself in the affairs of man. At every turn, we looked for the sign of His presence, and we were not disappointed. Ours was not just a moral crusade, it transformed itself into a divine crusade.
A very palpable sign of God's presence was the full support of brethren from other faiths and denominations in the crusade for good governance. Among the first to express their support on the day I filed my certificate of candidacy were Methodist pastors. Leaders of born again fellowships also boosted our stock, widening the spectrum of collaboration into dimensions previously unknown. I believe that there is no other previous experience in our nation where people of different faiths actively involved and immersed themselves in a mission as one body. What we were seeing was the Kingdom of God , a dedicated assembly of people under one dream: to see good governance become a reality.
Cyrelle was your typical Among Ed volunteer: multi-tasking, energetic, uncomplaining, except for the fact that she just graduated from a private elementary school. She was everyone's kid niece or sister, a favorite object of pranks, but equal to every joke thrown her way. Forsaking a summer of visiting malls and beaches, she became the ultimate factotum, preparing coffee, manning the photocopy machine, answering the phone, encoding data and stapling sheets of paper. Not even four years social studies in high school would match up to the wealth of hands-on learning she attained during those months.
And of course, there were those who contributed their time, talent and treasure from all walks of life and practically from every corner of the earth. There was this public school teacher who was given a one thousand peso bribe by another candidate. She took the effort to visit our EDquarters and turn over the money to us. As fast as people were taking posters and flyers from our office, equally consistent were the kind donors who dropped by every day to deliver campaign materials they had printed on their own. During our motorcades, ordinary people threw coins into our showboats to share their support. Even non-Kapampangans generously shared their blessings.
And finally, there was Jomar Nulud, a barangay chairman in my last parish who was gunned down by still unidentified assailants days after my proclamation. Kapitan Jomar switched allegiance after he learned of my candidacy. The night before he was killed, he ominously told me to be careful. "Hindi baleng ako and itumba, huwag lang ikaw," he said. His was the ultimate sacrifice. I am nothing compared to him.
A common thread that ran among all of these examples of people who joined us in our campaign was the element of sacrifice. The Japanese have a proverb: always replace a thing of value with that of a greater value. In giving up something of themselves, whether as mundane as a summer vacation, as abstract as a preconceived notion of a different faith, or as irreplaceable as a human life, their surrender was for a far greater cause. And because of this, they gained an ownership of the crusade. This ownership has been multiplied a thousand times and has reached the puroks and barangays, but we still need to reach out to a lot more people and convince them to own this new politics.
Once, I expressed my misgivings to a supporter, rhetorically asking, What if I got used to all the attention and the glory? What if I started to enjoy it? What if I started to demand it? Thankfully, I am surrounded by people whose presence always reminds me that the crusade is a team effort. Even now, I am not "Gov" to them. I am still "Among Ed," and to the more familiar, I am "Brods or Jo." I allow this informality, because I know that I am just one instrument among many volunteers, workers, contributors, prayer warriors and well-wishers who gave a part of their lives to realize a vision. It just so happened that my position warrants me to be a primus inter pares, a first among equals, or more accurately a father to sons and daughters who deserve my love, respect and attention, because they gave so much so freely.
That we have won through a plurality reminds us that we have to be gentle with our salesmanship. We have to convince the civil society and the civil service, by way of example and education, that honest governance works. We have to provide for a transparent, efficient and effective delivery of services, that the people may pay their taxes with cheerful hearts, knowing that their hard-earned money does not find itself in some bureaucrat's pocket. Arriving much sooner than expected, as it were, we are quite pleased that the Capitol leadership, as well as the rank and file have for the most part adapted to our program of government quite quickly. I credit this to the government employee's innate goodness and willingness to work. I have to admit, though that the adjustment period was quite tenuous. But when the Governor sets the example in punctuality, simplicity of lifestyle, openness to the constituents, dedication to work and pleasantness of disposition, the most taciturn employee has no other recourse than to follow.
Today, our province earns an average of a million pesos a day in quarry revenues. Suppliers have lowered their bids dramatically after being reminded that the days of SOPs are over. A system of fiscal discipline is being instituted. We have streamlined the manpower to make it more citizen-oriented. Our primary attention is now given to the equipment, staffing and development of our provincial and district hospitals. We are at the moment studying systems and processes that will make quality service be delivered on time. Capacity and confidence building measures are being undertaken in order that the bureaucracy can pride itself as a working and effective body. For the first time in the history of the province, a draft three-year executive agenda will be submitted to the people tomorrow for their comments and suggestions, in the spirit of consultation and collaboration.
But for society to be transformed, it is not enough that government employees be empowered and motivated. The desire for positive change and the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good must not only trickle down, but must engulf every barangay. A visual way of describing the approach to this objective is that of the way the bibingka is cooked: heat on top, heat at the bottom. We should inflame the governing and the governed. The inured system of political patronage and dependency may take a little more time and may require a more extensive strategy for the people to realize that in the end, the benefits to the community will outweigh any personal gain. Good citizenship must take root until following the law, paying taxes honestly, respecting the environment and upholding one's dignity shall become second nature to every person.
I don't think that God meant me to endure five seminaries just to become a Governor or some other public official. I love my vocation, and at the end of this temporary detour into politics, I shall desire nothing more than to have my priestly faculties once again, and be a shepherd of the faith anew. A personal glory shall be that day when I shall hold aloft the transubstantiated body and blood of Christ, recalling my first mass after my ordination. It is from this vantage point that I say that I really do not encourage the entry of priests or ministers to the electoral arena. It would be utter presumption and even a complete falsehood to maintain that only the clergy posses the moral superiority to lead the nation. A layman with the proper motivation and popular support can lead any province to glory, in the same manner that an elected priest with less than honorable intentions can bring the province to its knees. Every believer has a divine mandate to do good and cast out evil. For the sake of the beggar out in the street, for the sake of the baby who is fed with rice water, for the sake of the sick patients in our public hospitals, for the sake of every Filipino who persists in the hope of a brighter horizon, I ask you to help us prove that we are essentially good, and that we uphold the common good.
It has been said so often that Pampanga right now is a laboratory mouse in a grand experiment upon which almost every eye of every disillusioned Filipino is fixed, steadily observing how the dream of good and honest governance is realized, and if it can result in the improvement of the people's plight. Historically, our province has always been the breeding ground of social unrest and revolutionary thought. Once again, there is something revolutionary going on in Pampanga. With fervent prayers, consultative and exemplary leadership, participatory and law-abiding citizenship, collaborative and dedicated service, together with the application of better organizational systems, technological processes and innovations, I believe that we can overcome and transform the individual and the society. Then shall our success in Pampanga be translated in every province of the nation. Let us all join forces to transform ourselves, and in turn our beloved Philippines .
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Sunday, 18 November 2007
Mental Feng Shui
Mental Feng Shui
This is without a doubt one of the nicest good luck forwards I have received. Hope it works for you -- and me!
Lotus Touts: You have 6 minutes
There's some mighty fine advice in these words, even if you're not superstitious. This Lotus Touts has been sent to you for good luck from the Scott Murphy KLAN organization. It has been sent around the world ten times so far.
Do not keep this message.
The Lotus Touts must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired.
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone.The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone .
Now, here's the FUN part!
Send this to at least 5 people and your life will improve. 1-4 people: Your life will improve slightly.
5-9 people: Your life will improve to your liking.
9-14 people: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 3 weeks
15 and above: Your life will improve drastically and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape.
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
This is without a doubt one of the nicest good luck forwards I have received. Hope it works for you -- and me!
Lotus Touts: You have 6 minutes
There's some mighty fine advice in these words, even if you're not superstitious. This Lotus Touts has been sent to you for good luck from the Scott Murphy KLAN organization. It has been sent around the world ten times so far.
Do not keep this message.
The Lotus Touts must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired.
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone.The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone .
Now, here's the FUN part!
Send this to at least 5 people and your life will improve. 1-4 people: Your life will improve slightly.
5-9 people: Your life will improve to your liking.
9-14 people: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 3 weeks
15 and above: Your life will improve drastically and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape.
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
Cut and paste and send to as many as you can .
Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Try it now.
Fwd: Mental Feng Shui
Note: forwarded message attached.
For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Guy Fawks Nights: The Irony of Religion
Guy Fawk Night may be associated with merry making and nice and alluring fireworks but the truth is this event is commemorating a very sad event in UK history.
This particular event only highlighted the embittered relationship between Catholics and Anglicans. It was the night when a small group of Catholics (fanatics) tried and almost succeeded in murdering all the high ranking officials of the Land during that time.
Luckily the attempt did not succeed and the plotters were then hunted. Gay Fawk last days were very bad. He died shortly after being captured.
This event is just one classic example of irony and religions. Both Catholics and Anglicans were Christians who believe in God who is Love, and who told us to love our enemies as ourselves. Religions whose essence is Love and yet hatred permeates both sides from inside out and from head to toe.
It's good that at present time both can co-exist harmoniously. Hopefully all religions would be able to do so and terrorism will come to its end.
Interestingly enough, El Filibusterismo, a novel by Philippines national hero, Jose Rizal had a very similar theme to that of Gay Fawke's story. In this novel, Simoun (who was actually Ibarra) came back to the Philippines to overthrow the Spanish regime by attempting to detonated explosive planted in a venue where all the big people in the society would be having a special dinner.
I am just wondering, did Guy borrowed the idea from the novel, or was the novel inspired by the latter.
This particular event only highlighted the embittered relationship between Catholics and Anglicans. It was the night when a small group of Catholics (fanatics) tried and almost succeeded in murdering all the high ranking officials of the Land during that time.
Luckily the attempt did not succeed and the plotters were then hunted. Gay Fawk last days were very bad. He died shortly after being captured.
This event is just one classic example of irony and religions. Both Catholics and Anglicans were Christians who believe in God who is Love, and who told us to love our enemies as ourselves. Religions whose essence is Love and yet hatred permeates both sides from inside out and from head to toe.
It's good that at present time both can co-exist harmoniously. Hopefully all religions would be able to do so and terrorism will come to its end.
Interestingly enough, El Filibusterismo, a novel by Philippines national hero, Jose Rizal had a very similar theme to that of Gay Fawke's story. In this novel, Simoun (who was actually Ibarra) came back to the Philippines to overthrow the Spanish regime by attempting to detonated explosive planted in a venue where all the big people in the society would be having a special dinner.
I am just wondering, did Guy borrowed the idea from the novel, or was the novel inspired by the latter.
What is Grace
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you . . .
To live in grace means living in communion with God. When Mary was pregnant with Jesus she was indeed full of grace because the Lord was literally with her.
When we are living in grace we can appreciate everything. Both good and not so good things that come our way are viewed as something good. Something whereby one can experience the presence of God, hence being in communion with God.
To some, grace means receiving blessings and favour from God. When good fortune comes our way, we say it's a grace from God. This is indeed correct but a very limited view of understanding of grace. When some good tings happen to us, we tend to become joyful and thankful to God. This feeling of elation and happiness is simply a manifestation that we are experiencing God. However, even in times of trials and misfortunes we can still experience God if we desired to do so because God is always with us. Sadly, when we experience such, we are sometimes overwhelmed by the pain and anguish that go with the it hence we failed to feel the presence of God.
From the Incarnation, when God became flesh, we found a revelation in flesh if how can one live in grace. If we simply live as Jesus lived his earthly life we will surely experience joy and peace in all our experiences, good or bad, something pleasant or something painful, something sweet or something bitter.
In general we can experience God in prayer, in the Scriptures, in the Sacraments, and in anything that we do as long as we only exert a little effort to feel his presence. The feeling of joy, courage and peace vouchsafe that God is indeed with you.
To live in grace means living in communion with God. When Mary was pregnant with Jesus she was indeed full of grace because the Lord was literally with her.
When we are living in grace we can appreciate everything. Both good and not so good things that come our way are viewed as something good. Something whereby one can experience the presence of God, hence being in communion with God.
To some, grace means receiving blessings and favour from God. When good fortune comes our way, we say it's a grace from God. This is indeed correct but a very limited view of understanding of grace. When some good tings happen to us, we tend to become joyful and thankful to God. This feeling of elation and happiness is simply a manifestation that we are experiencing God. However, even in times of trials and misfortunes we can still experience God if we desired to do so because God is always with us. Sadly, when we experience such, we are sometimes overwhelmed by the pain and anguish that go with the it hence we failed to feel the presence of God.
From the Incarnation, when God became flesh, we found a revelation in flesh if how can one live in grace. If we simply live as Jesus lived his earthly life we will surely experience joy and peace in all our experiences, good or bad, something pleasant or something painful, something sweet or something bitter.
In general we can experience God in prayer, in the Scriptures, in the Sacraments, and in anything that we do as long as we only exert a little effort to feel his presence. The feeling of joy, courage and peace vouchsafe that God is indeed with you.
Monday, 12 November 2007
My reflection on Lk 20, 27-38
When we die we become brothers and sisters to all.
In terms of choosing the right partner, not all marriages are perfect. In fact most couples had married someone else from his or her desired partner to be.
Some are too shy to express his love to the girl of his choice so he ended up marrying someone else. Some marriages are arranged by parents thus it’s highly possible that couples resulting from this don’t actually like each other.
Some relationship had been going on for a long time and all of sudden conflict (minor in most cases) arose and it just ended simply, then after a short period of time, one party met someone else and got married and the other did the same thing.
We also experience being related to one person after another and eventually we got married to someone who happened to be in-relation to us on the time that we decided to get married. Though summing up we can say that we sincerely love each one of those who had been related to us in the past.
The worst experience perhaps is for someone who wanted to marry someone of his like which is just unacceptable generally.
If God is love why doesn’t he simply make every relationship works. Of course in this present world it doesn’t but in the life to come it will. For we are going to be brothers and sisters. Marrying is only proper to this present world but not in the world after it.
We can look forward to being with our ex, and ex’s as much as we can without any conflict at all. Just be patient and hope for eternal happiness.
In terms of choosing the right partner, not all marriages are perfect. In fact most couples had married someone else from his or her desired partner to be.
Some are too shy to express his love to the girl of his choice so he ended up marrying someone else. Some marriages are arranged by parents thus it’s highly possible that couples resulting from this don’t actually like each other.
Some relationship had been going on for a long time and all of sudden conflict (minor in most cases) arose and it just ended simply, then after a short period of time, one party met someone else and got married and the other did the same thing.
We also experience being related to one person after another and eventually we got married to someone who happened to be in-relation to us on the time that we decided to get married. Though summing up we can say that we sincerely love each one of those who had been related to us in the past.
The worst experience perhaps is for someone who wanted to marry someone of his like which is just unacceptable generally.
If God is love why doesn’t he simply make every relationship works. Of course in this present world it doesn’t but in the life to come it will. For we are going to be brothers and sisters. Marrying is only proper to this present world but not in the world after it.
We can look forward to being with our ex, and ex’s as much as we can without any conflict at all. Just be patient and hope for eternal happiness.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
My Refelction on Lk 19, 1-10
Sachues wanted to see and know who Jesus is.
There is one hindrance or obstacle in order to realize his wants. He was short in stature.
All of us want to know more about Jesus or about God. Because we are God’s creatures, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and compels or draws us towards God.
There will always be hindrances in this longing to know or to be with God.
We must overcome it whatever it is. Just like Sacchaeus who overcame his shortcoming by climbing into a sycamore tree.
Once we have done it, we have done our part and God will do the rest.
Jesus looked up and saw him and Jesus came to him. And then transformation follows. Things that we normally unable to do, like Sacchaesus who must be a lover of money and therefore would be finding it hart to give away some, suddenly was willing to give ONEHALF of his money to the poor and to pay back (4x) all that he had cheated. For someone in his position, doing such is hardly inconceivable.
There are things which we think we are incapable of doing but we shouldn’t worry because once we have done our part God will do the rest.
There is one hindrance or obstacle in order to realize his wants. He was short in stature.
All of us want to know more about Jesus or about God. Because we are God’s creatures, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and compels or draws us towards God.
There will always be hindrances in this longing to know or to be with God.
We must overcome it whatever it is. Just like Sacchaeus who overcame his shortcoming by climbing into a sycamore tree.
Once we have done it, we have done our part and God will do the rest.
Jesus looked up and saw him and Jesus came to him. And then transformation follows. Things that we normally unable to do, like Sacchaesus who must be a lover of money and therefore would be finding it hart to give away some, suddenly was willing to give ONEHALF of his money to the poor and to pay back (4x) all that he had cheated. For someone in his position, doing such is hardly inconceivable.
There are things which we think we are incapable of doing but we shouldn’t worry because once we have done our part God will do the rest.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
my reflection on Rom 8, 18-25
". . . the sufferings of this present time are nothing compare to the glory to be revealed to us . . ."
In math, when you divide 1 by 1000 the quotient is almost negligible.
In the life to come i.e. when we pass over to the world yonder, the hardest and the most bitter experience we had will surely be insignificant.
After enduring pain or big problem, once it's over you simply feel I'm glad it's over. You just don't care much if how painful the experience is. This is just a foretaste of what is going to happen in the life after our death.
Only the Creator knows best about His creatures. God knows that in due course we will understand the reasons behind these apparently meaningless pain and sufferings in this present world.
In math, when you divide 1 by 1000 the quotient is almost negligible.
In the life to come i.e. when we pass over to the world yonder, the hardest and the most bitter experience we had will surely be insignificant.
After enduring pain or big problem, once it's over you simply feel I'm glad it's over. You just don't care much if how painful the experience is. This is just a foretaste of what is going to happen in the life after our death.
Only the Creator knows best about His creatures. God knows that in due course we will understand the reasons behind these apparently meaningless pain and sufferings in this present world.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
My Refelction on Tim 4, 6-8
You would know the depth of your being a Christian not during Christmas but on Good Friday.
When your prayer is not answered, when your friends deserted you, when the whole world seems to be against you.
It's easy to be a Christian when God do marvelous things for you in the same way that you want Him to. But when God does good things for you but their goodness are not very obvious some falter.
To be a true Christian is to keep going on Good Friday with a big hope for Easter Sunday.
When your prayer is not answered, when your friends deserted you, when the whole world seems to be against you.
It's easy to be a Christian when God do marvelous things for you in the same way that you want Him to. But when God does good things for you but their goodness are not very obvious some falter.
To be a true Christian is to keep going on Good Friday with a big hope for Easter Sunday.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Perez and Solomon
Perez and Solomon have something in common. i.e. both of them were born, say illegitimately.
Solomon's story is more popular. He was the son of King David to Bathsheba, the wife of an Army General whom David saw taking a bathe from, maybe a window in David's palace. And then many things happened consequently after that but in the end, Solomon was born.
Perez story was not known apart from he being one of the twins born by Tamar to Judah. Tamar became pregnant when she pretended to be a prostitute to Judah - his father in-law who sent her home when Judah's sons died one after another.
While we don't know much about Perez, we can deduce that he had become a great man when the elders in the story of Ruth wished Ruth and Boaz wished them that may their house be one like that of Perez.
Being born out of wedlock is never the fault of the child and therefore it should not be taken as something disgraceful. What matters is what had become to the person rather than how he came to be.
bad-star - a person born illegitimately.
Solomon's story is more popular. He was the son of King David to Bathsheba, the wife of an Army General whom David saw taking a bathe from, maybe a window in David's palace. And then many things happened consequently after that but in the end, Solomon was born.
Perez story was not known apart from he being one of the twins born by Tamar to Judah. Tamar became pregnant when she pretended to be a prostitute to Judah - his father in-law who sent her home when Judah's sons died one after another.
While we don't know much about Perez, we can deduce that he had become a great man when the elders in the story of Ruth wished Ruth and Boaz wished them that may their house be one like that of Perez.
Being born out of wedlock is never the fault of the child and therefore it should not be taken as something disgraceful. What matters is what had become to the person rather than how he came to be.
bad-star - a person born illegitimately.
The Daily Gospel
DAILY GOSPEL«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68Sunday, 28 October 2007Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary TimeThirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today the Church celebrates : Sts. Simon and Jude, apostles See commentary below or click here Saint Bernard : "The publican...would not even raise his eyes to heaven" Book of Sirach 35,12-14.16-18. For he is a God of justice, who knows no favorites. Though not unduly partial toward the weak, yet he hears the cry of the oppressed. He is not deaf to the wail of the orphan, nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint; He who serves God willingly is heard; his petition reaches the heavens. The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, Nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right. Second Letter to Timothy 4,6-8.16-18. For I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance. At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them! But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was rescued from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat and will bring me safe to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 18,9-14. He then addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. Two people went up to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, 'O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity--greedy, dishonest, adulterous--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.' But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, 'O God, be merciful to me a sinner.' I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted." Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Commentary of the day : Saint Bernard (1091-1153), Cistercian monk and Doctor of the Church Sermon 3 on the Annunciation, 9-10 What is that container into which grace chooses to pour itself? If trust has been made to receive mercy and patience to garner justice, what is the vessel we might put forward as apt to receive grace? A very pure ointment is concerned here, which requires a very sturdy container. Now what is more pure or more sturdy than humility of heart? That is why God "gives grace to the humble," (Jas 4,6; cf Prv 3,34; Jb 22,29); that is why it is entirely right he should have "looked upon his handmaid's lowliness," (Lk 1,48). Right, because a humble heart does not allow itself to be preoccupied by human worth and because the fullness of grace can be poured into it all the more freely… Did you observe the Pharisee at prayer? He was neither thief, nor dishonest, nor an adulterer. Nor did he neglect to do penance. He fasted twice a week, he gave tithes of all he possessed… But he was not empty of himself; he had not stripped himself of himself (Phil 2,7); he was not humble but, rather, puffed up. That is to say, he was unconcerned to know what it was he still lacked but overestimated his worth; he was not full but puffed up. And so he went away empty for having put on a show of being full. The publican, on the other hand, because he humbled himself and took care to present himself like an empty vessel, could carry away with him an even more abundant grace. Manage your subscription directly clicking HERE ---------------------------------------- The DGO is sent every day to more than 255.000 subscribers ! Do you want to help us maintain this free service? Daily Gospel is free of charge, it is not free of cost. Make a tax-deductible donation directly at "The Daily Gospel", PO BOX 16, New Hope, KY 40052. USA. Thank you and God bless you. |
Friday, 26 October 2007
The Daily Gospel
Repentance means realization of the evilness of sin. It means hating sin because of sin itself.
Repentance means realization of the importance of love. It means hating sin because of love.
The point being is that when a person repents he should be motivated by love. He refrains from doing evil things because he knew that it is not good for the others or for himself.
The point being is that a person repentance should not be motivated by fear. A person who refrains from sinning becaue he fears being thrown into hell is a person with very narrow faith. Such is not even faith at all.
The Bible should be read in its proper context and in relation with the entirety of the Bible. We find in the it several allusions to the wrath of God as if God is a blood thirsty person who would love seeing sinners burnt in hell.
Bear in mind that the OT understanding of God is a vengeful God, a punishing God and the Evangelists were simply coming from this sort of background hence they echoed the OT understanding of God.
But we must remember that God is love, all his actions are motivated by love. The only reason therefore why a soul is sent to hell is that God loves him.
Repentance means realization of the evilness of sin. It means hating sin because of sin itself.
Repentance means realization of the importance of love. It means hating sin because of love.
The point being is that when a person repents he should be motivated by love. He refrains from doing evil things because he knew that it is not good for the others or for himself.
The point being is that a person repentance should not be motivated by fear. A person who refrains from sinning becaue he fears being thrown into hell is a person with very narrow faith. Such is not even faith at all.
The Bible should be read in its proper context and in relation with the entirety of the Bible. We find in the it several allusions to the wrath of God as if God is a blood thirsty person who would love seeing sinners burnt in hell.
Bear in mind that the OT understanding of God is a vengeful God, a punishing God and the Evangelists were simply coming from this sort of background hence they echoed the OT understanding of God.
But we must remember that God is love, all his actions are motivated by love. The only reason therefore why a soul is sent to hell is that God loves him.
DAILY GOSPEL«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68Saturday, 27 October 2007Saturday of the Twenty-ninth week in Ordinary TimeToday the Church celebrates : Bl. Emilina, St. Frumentius See commentary below or click here Saint Augustine : Answering God's call to repent at last Letter to the Romans 8,1-11. Hence, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death. For what the law, weakened by the flesh, was powerless to do, this God has done: by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for the sake of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the righteous decree of the law might be fulfilled in us, who live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. For those who live according to the flesh are concerned with the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit with the things of the spirit. The concern of the flesh is death, but the concern of the spirit is life and peace. For the concern of the flesh is hostility toward God; it does not submit to the law of God, nor can it; and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness. If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit that dwells in you. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 13,1-9. At that time some people who were present there told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices. He said to them in reply, "Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did! Or those eighteen people who were killed when the tower at Siloam fell on them --do you think they were more guilty than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" And he told them this parable: "There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none, he said to the gardener, 'For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. (So) cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?' He said to him in reply, 'Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.'" Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Commentary of the day : Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (in North Africa) and Doctor of the Church Confessions Bk. 8 (trans. F.J. Sheed) Those trifles of all trifles, and vanities of vanities, my one-time mistresses, held me back, plucking at my garment of flesh and murmuring softly: "Are you sending us away?" And " From this moment shall we not be with you, now or forever?" And: " From this moment shall this or that not be allowed you, now or forever?" What were they suggesting to me, O my God?… I hesitated to shake them off and leap upwards on the way I was called: for the strong force of habit said to me: "Do you think you can live without them?" But by this time its voice was growing fainter. In the direction towards which I had turned my face and was quivering in fear of going, I could see the austere beauty of Continence honorably soliciting me to come to her and not linger, hands full of multitudes of good examples... "The Lord their God gave me to them. Why do you stand upon yourself and so not stand at all? Cast yourself upon Him and be not afraid; He will not draw away and let you fall. Cast yourself without fear, He will receive you and heal you"... This disputation within my heart was nothing other than a struggle between myself against myself… When my most searching scrutiny had drawn up all my vileness from the secret depths of my soul and heaped it in my heart's sight, a mighty storm arose in me, bringing a mighty rain of tears. That I might give way to my tears and lamentations, I rose and went out… I flung myself down somehow under a certain fig tree and no longer tried to check my tears, which poured forth from my eyes in a flood, an acceptable sacrifice to Thee. And I spoke to you freely: "And thou, O Lord, how long? How long, Lord, wilt Thou be angry forever? Remember not our former iniquities." (Ps 6,4; 78,5)… And I continued my miserable complaining; "How long, how long shall I go on saying tomorrow and again tomorrow? Why not now, why not this very hour?" And suddenly I heard a voice from some nearby house, a boy's voice or a girl's voice, a sort of sing-song repeated again and again: "Take and read, take and read." I ceased weeping and immediately began to search my mind most carefully as to whether children were accustomed to chant these words in any kind of game, and I could not remember that I had ever heard any such thing. Damming back the flood of my tears I arose, interpreting the incident as quite certainly a divine command to open the book of the apostle Paul and read the first passage on which my eyes should fall… I returned hastily and took up the book and read what I had seen before: "Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in contention and envy, but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh in its concupiscence," (Rom 13,13). I had no wish to read further, and no need. For in that instant, with the very ending of the sentence, it was as though a light of utter confidence shone in my heart, and all the darkness of uncertainty vanished away. Manage your subscription directly clicking HERE ---------------------------------------- The DGO is sent every day to more than 255.000 subscribers ! Do you want to help us maintain this free service? Daily Gospel is free of charge, it is not free of cost. Make a tax-deductible donation directly at "The Daily Gospel", PO BOX 16, New Hope, KY 40052. USA. Thank you and God bless you. |
Sales Training

Following are three points to remember in selling:
1. Salespersons should believe in the products they are selling. Of course there some occasions when you find yourself in a situation that you landed a job which ask you to sell a product which you yourself won’t buy. It does not always follow that when you are not interested in the product you also don’t believe in it. Maybe you don’t need it. Hence to sell it, find people who need it.
2. The most important part in selling is closing the sale. You might have the best convincing sales pitch, you could have aroused prospect client interests but if you couldn’t sell your product then everything is useless.
3. Efficiency rate, i.e. sales made over attempts has no bearing in selling. You could have a 100% efficiency rate by closing 2 sales in two attempts but a 10 sales in 100 attempts which is only 10% efficiency is still much better than the 100%.
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1. Salespersons should believe in the products they are selling. Of course there some occasions when you find yourself in a situation that you landed a job which ask you to sell a product which you yourself won’t buy. It does not always follow that when you are not interested in the product you also don’t believe in it. Maybe you don’t need it. Hence to sell it, find people who need it.
2. The most important part in selling is closing the sale. You might have the best convincing sales pitch, you could have aroused prospect client interests but if you couldn’t sell your product then everything is useless.
3. Efficiency rate, i.e. sales made over attempts has no bearing in selling. You could have a 100% efficiency rate by closing 2 sales in two attempts but a 10 sales in 100 attempts which is only 10% efficiency is still much better than the 100%.
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this is a sponsored post.
Sharing in the Life of God
God the Father
God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit
The Triune God
The Trinity is the best idea about God. God is three Divine Persons but only one God.
This is a bit confusing because we are numbered oriented. Because of this when we explain Trinity we painstakingly tried to create a mathematical equation which proves that three equals one.
This idea of the Trinity can be best understood in relation with persons, relationship, love and happiness.
When two persons are related to each other in such a way that such relationship is being bound by love, said persons become united and the immediate outcome is the feeling of happiness.
The more they love, the more that they become one. Now if human love can make two persons one, how much more the perfect love of each Divine Person.
The feeling of happiness in a relationship brought about by mutual love of persons in a relationship signifies that they share in the life of the Triune God.
God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit
The Triune God
The Trinity is the best idea about God. God is three Divine Persons but only one God.
This is a bit confusing because we are numbered oriented. Because of this when we explain Trinity we painstakingly tried to create a mathematical equation which proves that three equals one.
This idea of the Trinity can be best understood in relation with persons, relationship, love and happiness.
When two persons are related to each other in such a way that such relationship is being bound by love, said persons become united and the immediate outcome is the feeling of happiness.
The more they love, the more that they become one. Now if human love can make two persons one, how much more the perfect love of each Divine Person.
The feeling of happiness in a relationship brought about by mutual love of persons in a relationship signifies that they share in the life of the Triune God.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
The Daily Gospel
DAILY GOSPEL«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68 |
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Investing your money in a property could be the best option in terms of maximising profit. Whilst there is risk in all type of investment here the only risk is when property value is dropping down. But even so, history wise, cost of property tends to go up all the time and in some instances that it actually goes down, after a couple of years or so, it tends to go up again.
You can get your profit in your investment even without actually selling your house. All you need to do is cash in your property equity. You can do this by re-mortgaging your property.
To simplify things, it’s best to apply for an independent mortgage for the same property. The process is simpler and cheaper.
When considering re-mortgaging your property, make it sure that you exactly knew what to do with the money otherwise this could result into a huge amount of loses. Effectively when you re-mortgage your property, your monthly repayment will increase hence if you haven’t used the money wisely you would end up with a bigger loan at the end of the day.
Are you havig problem getting a mortgage provider because of bad credit history, then you can stop worrying now because recent study shows that people with Bad Credit Mortgages, history does not always mean that they would be unable to cope up with the demand of paying their debt. Many mortgage provider now a days are happy to give people who have the same problem a second chance.
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The Daily Gospel
DAILY GOSPEL«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68 |
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Theme Parks UK
Family – Father And Mother I Love You
Young children are not forever young. Before you knew it they are grown-ups and have life of their own. Time is precious; always make the best of it. We work in order to live; in short we work in order to earn some money to get a quality family holiday.
Speaking of a family holiday, where could be the best place in UK to spend your family holiday?
Where else but but Blackpool beach resort where where oldest Theme Parks UK is. A very nice place to visit where quality, fun and entertainments are prime commodities.
In Blackpool beach resort fun simply never ends, they've got lots of rides to choose from, it’s indeed UK’s best holiday destination. Give your family a holiday treat, give your children some of your quality time. Your young children are not forever young.
Just a friendly reminder: a family that prays together goes on holiday together.
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Young children are not forever young. Before you knew it they are grown-ups and have life of their own. Time is precious; always make the best of it. We work in order to live; in short we work in order to earn some money to get a quality family holiday.
Speaking of a family holiday, where could be the best place in UK to spend your family holiday?
Where else but but Blackpool beach resort where where oldest Theme Parks UK is. A very nice place to visit where quality, fun and entertainments are prime commodities.
In Blackpool beach resort fun simply never ends, they've got lots of rides to choose from, it’s indeed UK’s best holiday destination. Give your family a holiday treat, give your children some of your quality time. Your young children are not forever young.
Just a friendly reminder: a family that prays together goes on holiday together.
This is a sponsored post
How To Read the Bible
Reading the Bible is different from reading history books.
Many fell to this error, i.e. considering the Bible as historically true, word for word. While it is true that there lots of historical elements contain in the Bible, always bear in mind that its purpose to bring people to faith and not to tell history.
Once you take the Bible as purely historical you would be encountering lots of problems. For example, how can the Creation Story was narrated by someone who was born some million years after the creation. Where can you see a talking snake as in the story of The Fall of Eve, where did Cain got his wife, did he come back in his home his old age to marry one of his siblings? Why do we have four different stories of Resurrection.
Once you take into account that the Bible is written as a literary work by different authors with different context, it's only then that you begun to understand the beauty in it.
Many fell to this error, i.e. considering the Bible as historically true, word for word. While it is true that there lots of historical elements contain in the Bible, always bear in mind that its purpose to bring people to faith and not to tell history.
Once you take the Bible as purely historical you would be encountering lots of problems. For example, how can the Creation Story was narrated by someone who was born some million years after the creation. Where can you see a talking snake as in the story of The Fall of Eve, where did Cain got his wife, did he come back in his home his old age to marry one of his siblings? Why do we have four different stories of Resurrection.
Once you take into account that the Bible is written as a literary work by different authors with different context, it's only then that you begun to understand the beauty in it.
French Beds

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They say that the best pillow to sleep on is a clean and guilt-free conscience, and I say the best beds to sleep on with guilt-free conscience pillow are French Beds UK, indeed it makes a lot of sense.

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Worrying Christian
Some say worrying is useless and some say it’s a manifestation of lack of faith. I say, a worrying Christian is a Christian who loves, a Christian who cares. Who could love and care us the most? No one but God. Hence if you worry about someone you love it means that you care for him, hence in a way it’s a God-like thing to do.
When you worry you tend to pray. A true Christian is a Christian who prays.
When you worry you acquire some extra energy. You exert more effort than you normally do just to make things better for the person who is the object of your worries.
Of course, anything in excess is not good. Worrying is no longer good when it paralyzed you, when you became helpless and disorganised. Don’t worry too much, just do the things that you can and leave the rest to God.
When you worry you tend to pray. A true Christian is a Christian who prays.
When you worry you acquire some extra energy. You exert more effort than you normally do just to make things better for the person who is the object of your worries.
Of course, anything in excess is not good. Worrying is no longer good when it paralyzed you, when you became helpless and disorganised. Don’t worry too much, just do the things that you can and leave the rest to God.
The Daily Gospel
DAILY GOSPEL«Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.» John 6,68Wednesday, 24 October 2007Wednesday of the Twenty-ninth week in Ordinary TimeToday the Church celebrates : St. Anthony Mary Claret See commentary below or click here Saint John Chrysostom : "Stand ready" Letter to the Romans 6,12-18. Therefore, sin must not reign over your mortal bodies so that you obey their desires. And do not present the parts of your bodies to sin as weapons for wickedness, but present yourselves to God as raised from the dead to life and the parts of your bodies to God as weapons for righteousness. For sin is not to have any power over you, since you are not under the law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? Of course not! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, although you were once slaves of sin, you have become obedient from the heart to the pattern of teaching to which you were entrusted. Freed from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 12,39-48. Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." Then Peter said, "Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?" And the Lord replied, "Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the master will put in charge of his servants to distribute (the) food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so. Truly, I say to you, he will put him in charge of all his property. But if that servant says to himself, 'My master is delayed in coming,' and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk, then that servant's master will come on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour and will punish him severely and assign him a place with the unfaithful. That servant who knew his master's will but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely; and the servant who was ignorant of his master's will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Commentary of the day : Saint John Chrysostom (c.345-407), Bishop of Antioch, then of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church Sermon 77 on St Matthew "At an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." Jesus says this to them so that the disciples would stay awake and always be ready. If he tells them he will come when they are not expecting him this is because he wants to make them practice virtue zealously, without relaxing. It is as though he were saying to them: "If people knew when they were going to die, they would be completely ready for the day"… But the end of our life is a secret hidden from us all… This is why the Lord expects two qualities of his steward: that he should be faithful, lest he attribute to himself anything that belongs to his master, and that he should be wise, so that he might suitably administer everything put in his charge. So we ought to have these two qualities if we are to be ready at the Master's coming… Because this is what happens due to our not knowing the day we shall meet him: we say to ourselves: "My master is delayed in coming." The faithful and wise steward has no such thoughts. Wretch! using the excuse that your Master is late, do you imagine he won't come at all? His coming is certain. Then why don't you stay on your guard? No, the Lord is not slow in coming; this lateness is purely in the imagination of the wicked servant. Manage your subscription directly clicking HERE |
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